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Thread: G'day from Goulburn
18th April 2013, 04:19 PM #1
G'day from Goulburn
Hello everyone. Sorry if this intro seems a bit disjointed, but I had just spent a long time writing it in great detail, when with one misguided stroke of my mouse, I hit the wrong button and lost everything in one fell swoop.
Anyhow, my name is Bob and I live on a 70 acre property about 30 minutes out of Goulburn, NSW. I am supposed to be finishing our retirement home, so while I live here on the "farm", my wife prefers to continue working in Sydney. (Sutherland Shire). I guess I'll just have to be happy for small mercies.
I was forced to retire after 30 years with the same company, for medical reasons both physical and "the other kind" (Depression .... the worst kind). My only connection to the outside world is via my computer and phone. So hopefully I can make a few new friends here on this forum as well as meeting some like minded people to chat to.
I am in the market for a new bandsaw at the moment, and with all the ones that I've researched so far it seems like I might be settling on the Laguna LT18 3000 Series. I know they're on the higher end of the price range, but I want something that will do the job I want which is resawing trees that would normally have been used for firewood, but I'm sick of using all this great timber for heating instead of being able to make something more useful out of it.
So there you have it in a nutshell. Any and all advice or comments will be gratefully received and answered.
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18th April 2013, 06:14 PM #2
g'day Bob, welcome you have definatley found the right spot to meet like minded people, There has been some discussion on depression in the health part of this forum, so might pay to have scroll through, there is a plethora of info regarding all sort of topics here, can be rather addictive OH and dont forget about working on the house, but I wouldn't rush it if it were me
18th April 2013, 07:59 PM #3
Gidday Bob welcome to the forum, enjoy your stay.
Regards Rumnut.
Qld. Australia.
19th April 2013, 11:23 AM #4
Thanks for the friendly welcome guys. I liked you subtle hint too Joel...nice touch. I like a positive thinker.https://www.woodworkforums.com/images...py/biggrin.gif
19th April 2013, 01:15 PM #5
Re: G'day from Goulburn
Welcome to the forum bob. I used to go to goulburn alot towards grabben-gullen to visit family alot. Plenty of space out that way. Real nice country
hope you enjoy the forum, it's a good place for chatting about similar interests.
19th April 2013, 01:43 PM #6
I feel for you today this chilled wind straight off Kosi and its not even winter yet I know cause its cold just up the road a tad at my place Hinchinbrook (NSW).
70 acres yep I'd be depressed too not enough room for a BIG shed wife not there to bother youand just oodles of wood to play with.
Welcome aboard and be warned there are other members from Goulburn area.
20th April 2013, 11:18 AM #7
Yeah it's a shame to have all this room and still not have enough to do what you want. I'm looking forward to meeting up with anyone else in the Forum who is from around here. I'm always up for a good chat and would love to be able to share with others, whether it be my facilities or just the space all around me. I have a fair range of woodworking machinery and an old house that was here originally that I've converted into my own personal dog box. I've given up my previous passion for working on fast cars (Corvettes actually) and have now just settled down to making sawdust as my main pastime.I've tried offering myself and my services to the local retirement village, but they declined my offer, then I called around the local schools thinking they might want to use part of my property for a school gardening project, but they also declined citing travelling costs as being to reason they couldn't accept which is fair enough. I've visited the local Men's Shed once just to say G'day and I'll go back again to see what I can offer in any way that can be of use to them.So I guess I'll just keep plodding along and I'm looking forward to delving into the depths of this Forum to see what fun things are hidden within.Thanks again guys (and any girls out there).Cheers,Bob
20th April 2013, 02:35 PM #8
Hi Glenrob
Welcome aboard and I think you'll enjoy your stay here. Lots of good, helpful people - in more ways than one.
I don't get to Goulburn much but end up in Panania quite a bit - well it's almost Sutherland Shire - as my daughter lives there.
20th April 2013, 10:22 PM #9
G'Day & Welcome to a top forum "Bob".
The forum for a lot of us is one of the best social outlets we have and yes I've made some good friends, even met a few.
You'll find a heap of helpful & knowledgeable blokes & ladies on the forum and for most very willing to assist.
Make sure you keep showing off your handiwork as everyone loves a photo, especially WIP photos with build notes.
Enjoy the forum.
Enjoy your woodwork.
Cheers crowie
PS - the local Mens Shed sounds good...
PSS - you could always send your corvettes my way.....lol
20th April 2013, 10:26 PM #10
G'Day Bob,
Just had a thought....yes it does happen...lol.
There is a "Get together" at Katoomba on the 5th of may if you're interested and able to get up there.
Cheers, crowie
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21st April 2013, 05:53 AM #11
Welcome aboard
22nd April 2013, 11:07 AM #12
Can somebody please tell me what notifications is all about? At the top of the page it says I have two notifications but when I try to access them it says I don't have the correct "clearance" to do so.Thanks,Bob
23rd April 2013, 12:34 PM #13
The Notifications tab simply informs you that you have Private Messages or similar waiting for you, and gives you a quick link to them.
Sadly, various Spammers have introduced the need for a waiting period before you can access all of the forum's features.
In the past it was simply waiting for a moderator to approve your account, but I believe that now it's automated and requires you to make a number of posts... Maybe 5 or 10 of them. With 7 posts to your credit, you should now have access... or soon will have with another couple of posts.
(Of course, I could be wrong... this isn't something I've been keeping an eye on.I'm sure someone more interested about the inner workings will correct me.)
BTW, welcome to the Forums! They're a great place to pick up advice or to just meet like-minded people.
And do try to make it to the Blue Mountains Get-together if you can. It should be a good ol' chin-wag.
- Andy Mc
26th April 2013, 05:56 PM #14
Welcome to the forum. We are a very diverse bunch here as I suspect you might have already noticed.
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