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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    near Warragul, Victoria

    Default ailers

    Quote Originally Posted by BobL View Post
    My MW teachers were also quite good as teachers but one was a bit on dodgy side.He ran a small trailer making business from the school metal workshop and had teams of his favourite boys building the trailers during classes and after school. While there was a certain attraction in doing this, as you got to to use the big (well we thought it was big) welder for long periods,.
    I spotted one of those trailers last year , welded by school kids . It was on the freeway , a wreck of a trailer resting on the roadside near Pakenham , the A frame drawbar had come adrift and the main trailer had luckily come to a rest without hitting another vehicle , the driver was standing next to it scratching his head , the car was 50 yards further up the road . Mike

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Victoria, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Willavago View Post
    G'day all

    I have been a bit shy of offering my opinions when I know that I am in the company of some very knowledgeable metal men. In fact this is my first post here.

    Welcome to the forum Bill, don't be shy about offering opinions..


  3. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by morrisman View Post
    I spotted one of those trailers last year , welded by school kids . It was on the freeway , a wreck of a trailer resting on the roadside near Pakenham , the A frame drawbar had come adrift and the main trailer had luckily come to a rest without hitting another vehicle , the driver was standing next to it scratching his head , the car was 50 yards further up the road . Mike
    To give the teacher his due he was making trailers for a couple of decades and his trailers were well regarded around town. He was Mr eagle eye in class and especially with his trailers.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by neksmerj View Post
    Spell check didn't like Steam wisperer and offered Stripteaser, mmmm, interesting.

    That's all from this oldie.

    Hi Ken,
    You know I really really hope that it wasn't a Freudian spellcheckerslip, if 'spellcheckerslip' is even a word
    Going by how long the WWF has been going, I am still a newbie. I found it by doing a search for scraping at probably the best possible time as Phil (Machtool) and a few very persistent gentlemen were trying to organise a class for just that. I considered myself very lucky to have been included on the list even though at that stage my post count hadn't reached double figures if I remember correctly. Such is the calibre of people here. I have been a fitter and machinist all my working life and am still intimidated by the depth and breadth of skill and knowledge of the members. I find it odd from where I sit that it could be perceived as a clique but after looking at it closer maybe it's not so odd. All I can say is that one of the reasons I am here is because it isn't. One thing I also found is that even though I have posted some pretty inane things I have only once been flamed and quite harshly, especially when it was unprovoked. Other members immediately jumped to my defence which is something that doesn't happen on a lot of other forums. I hope any other new members put aside any fears they have and post no matter how knowledgable they think it might be.
    I am a member on several forums but for one and a half years now, I haven't even bothered logging onto them. I now only use this one as the people and information are second to none.
    Just as an aside, even my work standard has lifted after seeing what some members (and perhaps one in particular, you know who you are BT) are doing in their home workshops.
    I actually find it cathartic getting up in the morning and checking new posts and same again after I get home from work and seeing what you guys are up to. Better than relatives

    I'm quietly confident most people know I have a Douglas Shaper.
    Also an AL340D lathe
    Plus pedestal grinder, a cheap and nasty linisher, a bandsaw I picked up for $50, a pedestal drill and the usual drill bits, reamers and sundry items.


  5. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    North Rocks

    Default Calling all new blokes

    Hi all
    I am James and Sydney based. I work in electronics, currently in the medical area.

    My dad taught me many useful skills growing up like sharpening chisels and correct use of tools for the job at hand. He built me a free standing workbench just like his big one when I was about 6 years old. I still have it more than 40 years on. Dad was big on WW so learnt a lot on that side of the fence. He even made toys and sold them.

    I enjoy working with wood but prefer metal. I have 6 or 7 welders some even work! About 3 years ago I bought a Kondia FV-1 and brought it home. Just last september I bought a new factory sample lathe from H&F about 14x40. Sadly wife decided we were moving house the day I brought it home. So have not used either to actually do anything. And i had to rent old garage from new owner for 3 more months as it is taking that long to move about 25 tonnes of stuff. I think the Earth has tilted a bit after i moved.

    I have 3 young kids at school so no free time and a new mortgage. I hope to learn how to use these machines and then fix bits for my old tractors and ultimately make clocks.

    I found this forum like many through a search. Am on several other forums but this one is Aussie and seems to be some knowledgable folk around. I tend to think it better to keep quiet and let people think me a fool rather than opening my mouth and confirming it. In electronics I am well regarded but this metal work is a brave new world.

    I think I would like to learn from the experts and hope to do that here but ideally I think I need some training face to face.

    And I volunteer for everything too. RFS, scouts (2 lots), 2 schools, girl guides, red cross, plasma , platelets etc. my own fault I have no time.


    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Yorkshire UK


    Hi Guys,
    Been visiting for a while before I decided to join up. I have a modest workshop and some tools for both woodworking and metalwork. I tend to lurk, preferring to listen and learn. Others have said and I agree that there is a wealth of knowledge and experience embodied by the members here.

    I thought that retiring I would have lots more time to spend exploring metalworking from a hobby point of view but it seems that "her indoors" has other ideas... In this instance a new kitchen ! Not just new units but a tiled floor and new appliances. Of course there are new sockets needed on the walls in places where there were none, and water supplies to be moved. I did say that I would have it all done for Christmas... I didn't say which one. )

    Regards: Baron.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    shep Victoria


    I am a newbee I have posted a couple times on the M F forum but relies that I have missed out by not getting involved in the discussions when they have been of interest to me ,that now has been put right by the members who also want to hear other ideas and answer to questions that have been put forward.

    Have a great interest in modeling and have made a bit of furniture in my past,I have had to many hobby's in the past and have now gone back to restoring a car,.

    I find the metal forum very interesting and very knowledgeable the ready to help is
    always there , have been in other forums where the bitching and degrading of work proffered and criticizing instead of helping with sound advise and encouragement ,and members leaving insulted and disappointed at the attitude and remarks of some members, which to me makes the W W F forum in general
    the best place to be.


  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    I've been on the WW forum since about 2005 I think.

    I started wood work in about 2000 & prior to that I had been a boilermaker / Welder for most of my working life.

    I still have my Boiler Making tools, although Squares & clamps are now wood working tools, & I have an old copper coil Stick welder which I rearly use.
    I recon I have laid down enough miles of weld to last me a life time, but it's there if I need it.

    I made a Camper Trailer a few years ago, & I posted a wip down here, & when I finised building it, I fitted it out with a timber kitchen & timber Storage system.

    My passion is timber, but I still get my hands dirty from time to time.

    I am currently building a new Router Table out of a slap of 900 x 600 x 25mm Mild Steel.

    Router top 6.jpg

    This has been a pretty big project and while I'm looking forward to finishing it & using it, I have had a ball working on it, so I have mixed emotions I guess.

    I was retired hurt several years ago, so these forums are a way of forgetting that the bulk of my life now revolves around house work

    The fact remains, that 97% of all statistics are made up, yet 87% of the population think they are real.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Newcastle NSW


    I joined last year, in relation to wood work projects I was doing. But I'm a Metal Machinist and enjoy metal more. for the last 17 years, currently do CNC programing/ Machining. when I started my apprenticeship I was also offered the choice of doing Paten making, as I'd worked with my old man doing carpentry (I think metal is more forgiving) and I enjoy the process. I haven't posted very often, as questions are usually answered very quickly. I only have a basic workshop at home, and only started getting it in order a few years ago, pedestal drill, grinder, belt sander, large scroll saw, and hand tools, I do have the use of machines at work too. I would like to by a lathe next but need the funds/ space and will have to wait until I settler it one place too.



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