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Thread: What do you do?
27th March 2013, 07:57 PM #1
What do you do?
Get an email enquiry from interstate - can I make a box like the one in the photo, within 2 weeks? Sure, it's pretty straight forward, no finish required, nothing fancy needed, not expensive. One brief phone call to clarify dimensions, price accepted, so I drop what I'm doing and make it. Let the client know, she says she will deposit payment next day. So far, an absolutely normal transaction. However, the money doesn't get deposited the next day, or the next, or the next.... After about a week I try another couple of phone calls - leave messages but no answer. I send another email and get an apology, had a problem with the money but will go in ASAP.
After a month or so, with no money, I have just about given up hope of seeing the money, and am just about ready to sell it or give it away. I figure there's nothing to lose, so I send the would-be client a blister of an email, threatening legal action, adverse credit record etc if payment not made within two days. Get an email the next day saying payment would be made, followed by one saying it had gone in today. Great, as soon as it appears in my account I'll send the box.
Shortly afterwards I get a phone call, it's from the client's father! Turns out she's 12 years old, has ordered the box as a wedding present for her sister without telling anyone. Father very apologetic - could have easily gone the other way I guess - and he is depositing the money.
Should I be asking my clients how old they are?
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27th March 2013, 08:10 PM #2
Is certainly an unusual situation Alex but I would've thought the brief phone call to check dimensions would've alerted you that you were dealing with a minor.
Bit hard to advise here, it is certainly a interesting case though.Cheers
27th March 2013, 08:26 PM #3
Do you accept credit cards ? You could request credit card details upon order as a form of deposit (akin to car hire) and tell the customer other payment options can be used on completion of the commission prior to delivery. It *might* help with the age issue.
You need to tell this story if you start asking for a client's age.
You'll laugh about this in years to come.
27th March 2013, 08:27 PM #4
Go on ... Give it to her .. Make her day ... You have already said you would give it away.
give it to her an its a win-win
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27th March 2013, 08:32 PM #5
If I get an order from someone I don't know, my terms are PWO, Payment With Order.
No point in making something to order, only to find they change their mind, or get the "the cheque is in the mail" excuse, or any modern variant thereof.
I have only ever had one person not pay, guess they would not have paid after I made it either
27th March 2013, 08:34 PM #6
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27th March 2013, 08:45 PM #7
27th March 2013, 08:50 PM #8
When I spoke to her, she had a slight accent, but I would have put her age at about 20 or so. She certainly didn't sound 'little girlish'.
I don't have credit card facilities - most people use direct deposit or cash. Sometimes I take a deposit if it's someone I haven't dealt with before and I have to buy special parts or timber. I usually despatch on payment, but occasionally, if there's a rush, I'll send before hand, and occasionally people will pay in advance. I've never been ripped off (except for a gallery owner who did a runner).
I guess asking the clients age could work to my advantage...."You don't sound very old, could I just check with your mother...?"
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28th March 2013, 02:53 PM #9
Difficult one Alex. Have to agree with you about judging ages on the phone. Just listen to some women on the radio and they sound about ten, then you realise from content that they must be in their thirties at least.
4th April 2013, 10:08 AM #10
4th April 2013, 10:17 AM #11
That's a nice out come, sounds like every one is happy.
Enough is enough, more than enough is too much.
4th April 2013, 02:21 PM #12
29th April 2013, 10:46 PM #13
Ordinarily, that would tend to depend on the type of business you conduct
. In your case I would not expect that to be a condition of contract. For one-offs I think I would be requesting a substantial deposit (50% ?) before making a cut in anger.
In some ways age is irrelevant. It is the ability to pay that is in question.
"Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"
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