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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default modern slabbing prices

    have yet to see the job but its red cedar 72cm X 80cm X3m in a very difficult area of nth NSW. owner would assist in getting up the dangerously steep road to a reasonable flat area and is naturally inclined to assist in setting up. there may be other wood there too. he mentioned a large diameter rosewood(flooded gum) i have an early(6") lucas with 4ft slabbing attachment plus milling(finishing ) cutter. when i say early i mean it has wire ropes for height adjustment. the nearest idea of prices were 2007 in this forum,

    what do Ppl Charge for Contract Milling - View Poll Results

    what would be a reasonable expectation of remuneration? timber or dollars?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Gatton, Qld


    Depends if you are an owner or an operator???

    Owners would have to expect to get paid a lot less than an operator

    Personally I charge $150 per hour for slabbing from the time the slabbing bar is on the mill until it is off the mill and $250 per log cube for swingblade work, unless it is all small boards (whole logs cut into tomato stakes or anything less than 6sq inches in cross section size attracts 15% on top of volume rate) also if needing to add 8m rails attracts extra cost.

    Moving logs into a dump is extra, setting mill up in different spots is extra, damage to blades/chains is extra, tailing timber anywhere other than next to the mill is extra basically anything that stops me getting to slice up the logs is extra - unless in the unlikely event my gear breaks down, then I wear that.

    Having said all this, I get 'creative' when it comes to bill time and discount many of the above, but I tell people them up front so if for example I spend half the day trying to move logs before being able to mill them and then have to pack the mill and move it to 2 logs the other side of the house, I don't do my backside on the job because I've worked all day 8-10 hours and only cut 1 cube of log. Or maybe the log is in the back yard and I can't even roll the mill into the backyard 'coz they have gates, fences and garden beds in the way, plus their driveway is so steep it takes two blokes to only 'just' manage to hold onto the carriage to get it down the driveway (don't ask me how I've come up with this example) then I charge for it
    I love my Lucas!! ...just ask me!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006



    $250 per log cube for swingblade work ...That is a realistic price per cube Allan..alot of sweat goes into milling a log cube,as well as maintaining the mill and machinery..good onya for not selling yourself short!!...thats what i charge as well,and the logs have to be bought to me...MM

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