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Thread: Can't post in my own old thread
21st March 2013, 05:31 AM #1
Can't post in my own old thread
I've been trying to reply to my own thread, more than 99 days old, but can't. If I press 'Submit Reply' or 'Preview Post', I get this warning:
WWF Message 1.JPG
If I try to do what the warning says, there's no box to tick, anywhere that I can find???
The 'Submit Reply' button, no warning or box to tick here:
WWF Submit Reply button.JPG
And above the reply area, no box to tick etc here either.:
WWF Reply to Thread shot.JPG
I've tried with both IE8 and Firefox 19.0.2, (XP SP2), with the same result, so it doesn't seem to be a browser issue.
How can I reply to this thread to post finished pics? Edit: Start a new thread with the finished pics maybe?
I realise that the 'old thread' feature has just been activated, so this is no doubt just a teething issue. (I like the feature.)
(Or I'm thick and missing something obvious.)... Steve
-- Monkey see, monkey do --
21st March 2013, 06:44 AM #2
Start a new thread with the pictures and put a link back to the old thread.
The back room boys are working on a fix for submitting to old threads.
21st March 2013, 06:59 AM #3
Just a suggestion, but perhaps one of the mods can update the sticky 'Replying to old threads' thread with the current status. Self help doesn't usually work if the FAQ is wrong.
21st March 2013, 12:36 PM #4
21st March 2013, 12:38 PM #5
22nd March 2013, 12:43 AM #6
Thanks for asking the question Hermit, i'm in the same situation right now.....i'll start a new thread.
1915 17"x50" LeBlond heavy duty Lathe, 24" Queen city shaper, 1970's G Vernier FV.3.TO Universal Mill, 1958 Blohm HFS 6 surface grinder, 1942 Rivett 715 Lathe, 14"x40" Antrac Lathe, Startrite H225 Bandsaw, 1949 Hercus Camelback Drill press, 1947 Holbrook C10 Lathe.
22nd March 2013, 07:24 AM #7
Yes thanks Hermit also tried and had to start a new thread https://www.woodworkforums.com/f43/twice-one-day-167984/
22nd March 2013, 09:05 PM #8
Yeah, guys, usually I'm pretty verbose and don't let my unfinished threads go 99 days without an update, so I got a shock when I couldn't touch it. Not to worry, my signature links to the original thread so it's easy to find from the new one.
Ray, I still haven't made another barley-twist yet, but will be having a go at a couple of mini ones in hardwood to incorporate into a box soon. Been in the back of my mind since you taught me how to make them. Thanks for that, too.... Steve
-- Monkey see, monkey do --
22nd March 2013, 10:23 PM #9
I might be able to merge your new one into the old if you want me too.
22nd March 2013, 10:38 PM #10... Steve
-- Monkey see, monkey do --
1st April 2013, 07:52 PM #11
Replying to old threads
Just tried to post into one of my slightly old threads (as did Dengue) and it says "click in the box above Post Reply".
Well, there is no Post Reply button, but more importantly, there's absolutely no mention of "I'm aware etc etc" like there used to be.
Can someone shed some light please?
1st April 2013, 08:26 PM #12
1st April 2013, 09:31 PM #13
Another issue I just noticed - although I started this thread and am still subscribed, I didn't receive notifications of the two new posts here??? (Found them purely by chance.)
FenceFurniture, it appears that this is still an ongoing issue. Will hopefully be resolved sooner or later. (I wanted to post in your old thread too, re rust removal with Citric Acid. Sounds good, and far easier than electrolysis with a washing soda solution, which I was gonna try.)... Steve
-- Monkey see, monkey do --
1st April 2013, 09:34 PM #14
1st April 2013, 09:35 PM #15