
Well we've finished the babies room....finally. The missus is due in 4 weeks so it's just in time.

Since I'm about to get lumbered with a year of sleepless nights (if I'm lucky) followed by a lifetime of responsibility I might as well start another big reno project. You know.... just in case I find some spare time in between raising a family, holding down a job, visiting the in-laws, going on holidays, mowing the lawn etc.

But seriously folks I need some advice:
I'm going to do the living room but I'll start small ie. rebuilding the french doorway surround. I need to replace the facing timbers as per the pic below.

I'm not familiar with standard timber sizes but I'm looking for approx 70x12mm timber across the top (Pink) and the two outside verticals (Green) and then 95x12mm for the two inner verticals (Yellow). Pink and Green need some kind of radius along one edge (Radius 3-5mm) and Yellow needs them down both edges.

So I have few questions:

What kind of timber should I use (I'm doing the interior timbers only)?
What standard timber sizes are closest to my requirements?
Can any of these come supplied with a radius as per my requirements?

And Secondly:
In what order should I cut and fit the 5 lengths into the doorway? e.g Cut and fix Pink timber then cut Green and Yellow and trimming their bottoms until they fit nicely with the Pink timber across the top. OR do I do the process in reverse, Yellow and Green first and Pink last? (note the radius deep rebate in the Pink where the Yellow joins)

'preciate the input!

Nite, Squid.
Attached Thumbnails

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