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17th November 2012, 09:56 AM #1
One step closer to a cashless society AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!
I didn't think I you see it in my lifetime but yesterday I went to pick up some gear which I had in for service.
Got the invoice..opened my wallet extracted the correct number of 50's
and was told "sorry we do not accept cash!!"
Sorry we no longer take cash as payment, cards only.
Well we have a problem then because that's all I have.....needless to say after a lot of negotiations cash was taken but..
Guess what...no change.
Sorry but they've lost my business.
Anyone else heard of or experienced this sort of thing?
17th November 2012, 10:15 AM #2
Apparently that is legal
, but rather stupid IMHO
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17th November 2012, 10:58 AM #3
I am not so concerned about not accepting cash, but what I think stinks is you only found out when you went to pay. If they want to come that caper they should make sure the customer is aware of it before any money is owed.
Enough is enough, more than enough is too much.
17th November 2012, 11:25 AM #4
I have to pay my rent on line.
I hope that makes my computer tax deductible. And my internet connection. And the fees the angency in between are charging.
They prolly don't have a bank branch in their town any more, so they can't send the office girl to do the banking every day. Either that or they sacked the office girls.:Sanne-maria.
Tea Lady
(White with none)
Follow my little workshop/gallery on facebook. things of clay and wood.
17th November 2012, 02:48 PM #5
I also have to pay my rent and internet online. Both the ISP and the rental agent require that you fill in a form given them the right to take the money from your account. When an advice of a rent increase arrived recently, I went in to the agent to fill in an updated withdrawal authority, the girl behind the counter said 'Oh it's alright, we'll just change the one we have' I pointed out that altering a document with my signature on it would be illegal but all I got was a smile and a blank stare. I'm not sure my complaint to the manager was any better understood..
On a plus side, I just got a credit/debit card renewal and it has NFC so instead of inserting the card, typing the PIN etc, I just have to wave the card in the general direction of the keypad - I like that.Geoff
The view from home
17th November 2012, 06:33 PM #6
No Cheques
Years ago I knew a business that had a strict no cheques policy. Cash was fine.
Business has now closed for various reasons.
The problem with cash is security. Light fingered staff and not so gentle strangers.
Not using cash means that all transactions are recorded.
18th November 2012, 10:12 AM #7
Poor buskers, spose soon well have to wave an NFC card at em
18th November 2012, 10:23 AM #8
Buskers will have tap and go or have a link to their paypal account
18th November 2012, 10:26 AM #9
cashless society
Me thinks that they are charging a fee for using credit cards. Double whammy so to speak. Drillit.
18th November 2012, 11:18 AM #10
NFC.....No F****n Cash?
18th November 2012, 12:06 PM #11
I'm gunna mis piffn a goldy in the hat, it's one of the great unknown sports and a little joy to land one.
19th November 2012, 06:04 PM #12To grow old is inevitable.... To grow up is optional
Confidence, the feeling you have before you fully understand the situation.
What could possibly go wrong.
19th November 2012, 06:35 PM #13
It's a worry!
"Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"