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Thread: Coffee table lacquer technique
31st October 2012, 07:08 PM #1
Coffee table lacquer technique
I all. I have just made a coffee table top for the parents in law (see pic with a 50c coin on it for scale) out of what was called "pink mahogany", and sanded to 600 after cutting and routing a nice profile for safety for toddlers.
I have been asked to make it a hard wearing table to be used lots, so I was thinking of putting an all-weather lacquer finish on it like Cabbotts Cabothane.
I noticed that this is now also made in a spray version.
My question is - firstly is lacquer like Cabothane a good product to use for this, and secondly as an amateur, would I be better spraying it on to avoid paintbrush lines?
Thanks in advance,
31st October 2012, 07:10 PM #2
Oh and yes there are pockets and cracks which I filled with resin.
I tried to lacquer over resin once, and it didn't go so well...
31st October 2012, 07:47 PM #3
If you decide to use a brush, then if you add about 20% Penetrol that should pretty much eliminate brush and lap marks.
Apologies for unnoticed autocomplete errors.
31st October 2012, 10:03 PM #4
Thanks. Generally is it understood that either spraying or brushing is better for some reason? I have to buy a bottle of laquer either way, so would be happy with whatever is most likely to get a smooth even finish.
31st October 2012, 10:30 PM #5
Not really. If you're talking about DIY-level varnish like Cabothane then I wouldnt say one looks better then the other. Brush marks can spoil the look but then so can a bad spray job (orange peel, runs etc). I mostly spray because it saves time, but I do regret that I dont get the 'hand-done' look of a really careful brush job. To some degree a spray job has a 'sitting on the surface' look, whereas brushes force product into the grain thus accentuating the grain - but thats probably more relevant to small items then to a coffee table. It probably comes down to whether you have quality spray equipment and are past the learning curve necessary to use it.
Apologies for unnoticed autocomplete errors.
1st November 2012, 06:22 AM #6
Thanks. I have no spray equipment. Was just thinking about buying the spray cans of poly. Sounds like doing it with a brush and mixing it down a bit is the way to go. I have spent many many hours on it so far (mostly spent levelling the slab using an old belt sander), that it would be a shame to get a dodgy finish on it.
1st November 2012, 06:53 AM #7
I havent had any experience with spray cans so cant comment. Note its Penetrol that gives you the even finish - not thinning with turps. You might consider using a sanding sealer first as it'll give you an easy sanding surface. Most important thing is keeping the bugs and dust off as DIY varnish dries slowly so is vulnerable for a lot longer then a pro lacquer.
I used sanding sealer, Diy varnish and penetrol on a desk recently and the finish is mirror-smooth, so it is possible with a brush.Apologies for unnoticed autocomplete errors.
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