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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Cranbourne West

    Default Infrared photography

    I was wondering if anyone here has done any infrared photography, either with IR film or with an IR filter on a DSLR. The reason I'm asking is that I've just ordered a cheap ($25) 720nm IR filter to use on my 7d and I'm interested to know what sort of results I can expect.

    I'll post some photo's when the filter arrives, prolly take a couple of weeks to get here.
    To grow old is inevitable.... To grow up is optional

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Sapphire Coast NSW


    i have done some using a hoya r72 filter ... with digital, i believe there is a difference camera to camera depending on their anti-aliasing filter

    suggest you have a look at flickr or similar and search based on both infrared and your camera type

    by way of interest i set my camera on tripod and metered my shot (i shoot on manual) then put the filter on and took two shots changing 8 and 9 stops and used them for the conversion .. i suspect the detail could be slightly different depending on filter and camera but the principle will be similar .. whether there is a better way or not i don't know but that worked for me

    regards david

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Cranbourne West


    Thanks David, I have a Canon 7D, so I'll check flickr as you suggested. I understand that there can be focussing issues also, what f stop/s were you using? Were you able to stop down to get a decent depth of field, or doesn't that apply to IR photography?
    To grow old is inevitable.... To grow up is optional

    Confidence, the feeling you have before you fully understand the situation.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Sapphire Coast NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Grumpy John View Post
    Thanks David, I have a Canon 7D, so I'll check flickr as you suggested. I understand that there can be focussing issues also, what f stop/s were you using? Were you able to stop down to get a decent depth of field, or doesn't that apply to IR photography?

    i'm sorry i don't recall exactly what settings i used ... as i said, i shoot manual so it was just a matter of metering without the filter and then adjusting 8 and 9 stops with it on (which i tried to do via shutter speed) ... whatever lowest sensitivity you can get for me iso100 ... how narrow an aperture you can set will depend on the light and shutter speed you can get , which is obviously why i do it on tripod with remote release (didn't mention the remote release before but that is prob obvious anyway) ...

    you are right about the focussing probs .... i use the auto-focussing without the filter then also set it to manual focus so that the camera doesn't try to focus after i add the filter (i actually take three shots, 1 without filter 2 with)

    i did a few landscapes and seascapes and a couple in the local cemetery ... the most noteworthy thing for me was taking a series of shots in teh completely dry bega river ... that night we had 225mm of rain (according to the bureau, locals believe it was closer to 300mm) ... went back the next day to take one with 20 feet odd of water over where i was standing the day before

    hope this makes sense

    regards david

    ps i vaguely recall doing some research that talked about the time of day best to take shots ... you might want to search about that ... that said i shot at various times through the day and had no real difficulty

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Cranbourne West


    OK, the filter turned up in the mail today so I couldn't wait to give it a try.

    This is an old house a couple of K's out of Grantville on the L/H side of the road as you're heading towards Philip Island.

    Basically straight out of the camera without any post processing f10 1/125s ISO100.
    Old House.jpg

    With IR filter attached, no processing. f3.5 @30s.
    f3.5 @ 30s.jpg

    Converted to greyscale with Camera Raw.
    f3.5 @ 30s B&W.jpg

    f5.6 @ 30s.
    f5.6 @ 30s.jpg

    f5.6 @ 30s B&W.jpg

    f10 @ 30s.
    f10 @ 30s.jpg

    f10 @ 30s B&W.jpg

    a bit of HDR, just for the fun of it.
    Old House HDR.jpg

    After taking the photo's of the old house I headed to Warneet to take some photo's of the two jetty's.

    The long jetty

    f10 @ 1/200s
    Warneet Jetty_0002.jpg

    f14 @30s
    f14 @ 30s.jpg

    f14 @ 30s B&W.jpg

    The north jetty

    f16 @6s
    B&W 1.jpg

    f16 @ 10s.
    B&W 2.jpg
    To grow old is inevitable.... To grow up is optional

    Confidence, the feeling you have before you fully understand the situation.

    What could possibly go wrong.

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