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Thread: spacing dilemma

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default spacing dilemma

    Hey guys,

    decided to build a new driveway gate since the old one is stuffed. I have made up the frame, etc. Each door leaf frame is 1800 high by 1280 wide, I was originally going to have mini orb as the front face of the gates but I have changed my mind and bought some 140 x 19 merbau instead, I will be running the merbau vertically.

    If I intended on using merbau from the start I would have designed the width of the gates to work to specific spacings so im in a bit of a bind.

    Today, I laid the merbau on the gate and the only two spacings that work are either 3mm, or 21mm! we have two dogs and the female (of course) likes to peer through the current gate (between the door leaf and post which has a 20mm gap). Im guessing that 3mm isnt sufficient so im just gonna have to go with the 21mm spacing unless anyone has a suggestion? I couldnt work out any other spacing that would work without ripping down the merbau. The gate leaf frames have a 15mm gap between them where they meet in the centre of the gate, and a 25mm gap from the outer edge of the door leaf frame to the outside posts.

    From a privacy standpoint ive always liked "solid" gates or at the least small spacings but it seems I may have to make my dog happy and provide her 21mm spacings all the way!

    Any suggestions advice welcome!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    The only option I can see would be to rip a board or two, then have whatever spacing you desire..... If the ripped boards are at the ends and symmetrically placed, it won't look out of place - and nobody but you will see it in any case.... ripping one board back to 120mm would give you an extra 2mm per gap approx....
    A 21mm gap would look a bit dicey I think....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Guy on the corner has a "window" in his front gate for his dog - just a framed hole about 150 x 150 mm. Bob, the dog, spends hours with his head out the window communing with the neighbours.

    Fair Winds


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    We once had a fence done between our house and the neighbours. The neighbour really wanted a truly private fence as it was a rental, and apparently real privacy helps rent a place. The guy doing the fence said that you need to leave a gap to allow the palings to expand/contract a bit. What he did was two layers of palings. The first layer had a traditional spacing, and then he did a second layer to cover the gaps. Obviously that means you need more material though, and the gate would be heavier.
    The other day I described to my daughter how to find something in the garage by saying "It's right near my big saw". A few minutes later she came back to ask: "Do you mean the black one, the green one, or the blue one?".

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    thanks for the reply guys, I think im gonna go with 5mm spacings and then i'll rip down the far end pieces to suit, it is what it is at the end of the day. Ha the dog view panel sounds cool!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    The big question here is how dry is the timber? If the moisture content is still quite high the 3mm spacing will be fine as you will probably end up with 5mm gaps later down the track. As the timber will be vertical, it will not respond to moisture fluctuation as much as a deck with large surface area to retain water. If the gates are to be painted or oiled, moisture content variation would be minimal and the probability of shrinkage would be far greater than expansion. I would be happy with the 3mm.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2011


    i agree with rustynail 3mm looks great i have done many fences gates and decks with 90mm merbau and my opinion is that it looks fantastic and i imagine this time of year it will have a high moisture content.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    To be honsest im not really sure how to tell if it has a high moisture content or not, I work with aluminium and glass and dont have to worry about that sort of stuff!
    However, the timber does look fairly "rich" and 'wet" in colour, so im assuming it isnt too dry, plus I got the stuff from bunnings (before I discovered a Merbau supply joint nearby, always the way!), so it may be pre oiled or something? not sure. The only issue with the 3mm spacing is that even the slightest bend in the timber shows up big time whereas 5mm tends to trick the eye a little more, if that makes sense. One things for sure, once the gates are up, im gonna leave it for a few months and hose it every few days to let it bleed, cant believe how much stuff comes out. I gotta make sure I do this cause later on im sealing the driveway so any stains will be washed out when I acid wash the driveway before sealing.

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