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Thread: Cowardly Mongrels
5th September 2012, 06:09 PM #1
Cowardly Mongrels
I have just spoken to my eldest son, who lives near Grafton. He is in hospital with a fractured skull, fractured eye socket, broken jaw, broken arm and a couple of broken ribs. He is bruised all over and has too many stitches in him to count.
At about 4:00am on Tuesday morning a carload of 6 thugs arrived at his home. Three broke in and demanded money. He was worked over with and iron bar or pipe, threatened with death and left in the above state. His car was stolen and torched.
He was able to phone 000 and was taken to hospital. He is ok but very sore and sorry.
The only upside is that one of these mongrels, the one who stole the car and torched it, then tried to steal another car. He was spotted by a passing motorist and arrested by the police. He was shirtless and covered in Stuart's blood.
Apparently this is a collection of well know miscellaneous scum who have many convictions for this sort of thing. One is only 16.
I am wondering how the law will deal with them and what smart #### lawyer will cook up some cock and bull excuse to justify their behaviour.
5th September 2012, 06:13 PM #2
Not good Arthur hope he's mending well and soon out of hospital.
5th September 2012, 06:26 PM #3
5th September 2012, 10:20 PM #4
Begs belief. I hope those lower than low life forms get buggered in jail.
Hope your son heals well and is back on his feet soon Art, honestly.
This sort of s4hit make me mad as, where are their morals? Grr.-Scott
5th September 2012, 11:42 PM #5
Sorry to hear that Arthur here's hoping Stuart has a speedy recovery
6th September 2012, 12:49 AM #6
Unfortunatly its becoming very common and the courts are helping make it happen as they won't jail the plicks just a hit with wet lettuce leaf and a way they go to continue on wrecking peoples lives. And the jails are full so I guess that makes it hard and then the lawyers go on about the rough time the poor child had, the disfunctional/broken home, drugs et al. Do adult crime be judged as an adult and jail them not the junior version end of story.
PeteWhat this country needs are more unemployed politicians.
Edward Langley, Artist (1928-1995)
6th September 2012, 08:51 AM #7
That is an absolutely disgraceful story to have to tell. I am sure I would not be alone in saying my heart goes out to you and your son. I presume that if thay have caught one perpetrator the rest will easily be rounded up (maybe). Do keep us informed on how this episode unwinds.
"Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"
6th September 2012, 11:09 AM #8
Please understand I'm not attacking you, but if he was lucky it wouldn't have happened at all.
The problem as I see it started when someone got the clever idea gaol was for rehabilitation rather than protecting the community from people who are a danger to them or their property.
Now all the arguments are made around minimising reoffending and the welfare of the offender rather than protecting and compensating the victim. Thus the envirosocialist elites get to argue on thier own terms.
I personally favour a system that calculates the monetary value to the victim and puts the offender in gaol at hard labor until the debt is paid.
but what would I know ? I'm clearly a redneck/neaderthal/insert PC insult here....I'm just a startled bunny in the headlights of life. L.J. Young.
We live in a free country. We have freedom of choice. You can choose to agree with me, or you can choose to be wrong.
Wait! No one told you your government was a sitcom?
6th September 2012, 02:53 PM #9
That is absolutely terrible. I hope he heals quickly.
Was it a completely random act, or was there some prior connection/run-in/bad feeling between your son and these low-lifes?Cheers.
Bite off more than you can chew and then chew like crazy.
6th September 2012, 04:21 PM #10
Hi folks. Thanks for your thoughts and concern.
Apparently it was a random act. But I would guess that the perpetrators were probably high on some sort of dope. Left their fingerprints everywhere.Some were, from what I've been told, out on parole!!. Says a lot for the collective intelligence as well as the cowardice displayed.
6th September 2012, 05:54 PM #11
Unfortunatly for you poor son these lowlife are allowed to continue with this type of crime, as stated several were out on parole!! for gods sake enough is enough
lock em up and make thier stay a long and painfull memory.
I am glad your son is physically going to be ok, however the phsycological scars of that event will unfortunatly haunt him for a very long time, I wish him all the best in his recovery.
6th September 2012, 06:30 PM #12acmegridley Guest
Put them in the pen and it costs the taxpayer $23k year to keep them there, home away from home for a lot of them
Last edited by Big Shed; 6th September 2012 at 06:59 PM. Reason: Deleted redneck comment
6th September 2012, 08:28 PM #13
7th September 2012, 12:28 PM #14
Unfortunately, when it comes to court you will get legal procedure which in no way resembles justice.
Was in Dubai recently - no graffiti - When I asked some questions the answer I received was "There is no graffiti as the penalties are severe" - there was no elaboration re penalties.
Perhaps penalties instead of excuses should be revisited as the do-gooders pendulum has swung way too far.
I hope the young fella recovers soon and can get on with his life.
7th September 2012, 02:01 PM #15"We must never become callous. When we experience the conflicts ever more deeply we are living in truth. The quiet conscience is an invention of the devil." - Albert Schweizer
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