Hi all,

Long time lurker - first time poster. I have some major cracking on my walls in one room. Please see the links to photos:

http://i1169.photobucket.com/albums/r50 ... aa101c.jpg
http://i1169.photobucket.com/albums/r50 ... 1c08fa.jpg
http://i1169.photobucket.com/albums/r50 ... 59c2bf.jpg

It's a 3 year old house but I bought it 2 years ago and it did not have any cracking. It is in WA built, slab is on sand and I only just paved around all sides of the house a year ago but the cracking started 18 months ago and has been getting bigger.

The other side of that wall with the map is my garage and there is cracking on that side as well. It's double brick I think. Roof is wooden frame but has colorbond tin on it.

I would like to get peoples thoughts on what they think it is? Easy fix or not? Anyone recommend any good structural engineer/inspector in PErth?

Anyone had similar problem and had trouble getting builder to repair it if it is structural?

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com...