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Thread: Idiots aplenty
23rd June 2012, 05:16 PM #16
23rd June 2012, 06:39 PM #17
I wonder how a sign, "I am carrying paint-stripper", would go?
Of course, for the information of any disgruntled texter, this thread is purely a work of the imagination.
23rd June 2012, 07:17 PM #18
After they've come very close to sending me (and probably others) to hospital, removing the cause of their bad driving as an example seems to be a public service. A bit like pouring an alky's booze down the drain. So you'd like them to have continued doing what they were doing, and waited until someone died as a consequence? Or youre happy that they'd get a pat on the wrist from a court, in the infinitesimally unlikely event they were caught and booked? Are you feeling defensive and aggrieved because you're forced to take more care in your regular driving because there's more cyclists around nowadays? Get off my case.
24th June 2012, 12:30 AM #19
24th June 2012, 11:28 PM #20
I have been living (if you could call it that) in Melbourne for a bit over 2 years now, not by choice but for family reasons.
The average melbourne motorist could not drive a sharp nail into hot $h!t. I have driven in every state of Australia and many countries around the world but the ONLY place where i feel that I am taking my life into my own hands every time i take the car out is here!
And its not just how they drive! they push shopping trolleys the same way and the basic concept of keeping left when walking in a crowded area is a foreign concept to them.
Why is it that the average melbourne motorist will cut in front of you within a metre of your bumper bar on the freeway at 100 km/hr or more but they will sit at a green light until the vehicle in front is 20 metres away before they will move?
As for cyclists (and I have spent many years as one when I was younger) they are the absolute WORST! What idiot signed off on the law that lets these morons overtake on the left? they might as well have ordered them all to be euthanased. I have had these idiots riding on the FOOTPATH ringing their bells to get pedesatrians who have every right to be on the FOOTpath (show me a bicycle that travels on feet) to get out of their arrogant way.
Getting on and off the train every day is like being in a pinball machine.
If there is anywhere in the world where motorists and cyclists and yes even pedestrians are more inconsiderate, arrogant and impatient than in Melbourne then it should be evacuated of sensible people, nuked and flattened out and used as a car park for neighbouring areas.
24th June 2012, 11:46 PM #21
Come on fellas, Im loosing track here, who is in the red corner, who is in the blue corner, who is the ref. Shake hands and lets all have a friendly beer....cheers
25th June 2012, 01:11 AM #22
I don't see a problem.
I have a camera in the car that records the last 4 hours.
Anything funny happening in front of me (texting included) I put it up on You Tube
25th June 2012, 01:49 PM #23
Much as I sympathise with Velo, vigilante type reaction is likely to be counter-productive. Not only are you doing something illegal but anyone who is so stupid as to risk others lives by texting etc is unlikely to react in a safe way to their toy being snatched and destroyed. It could create the basis for more stupidity and increase the risk of an accident.
25th June 2012, 05:54 PM #24
I am with you 100% except for one thing. Here in brisbane we have 50/50 melbournians and locals. The mexicans as you say try to ram everything they see, but the locals drive round in a coma. The combination is horrendous. Worse than melbourne because you never quite know whats around you until it's too late.
As for texters (?) before it was people calling on mobiles while driving and before that it was drunk/drugged drivers. If you study the crash data you find there are a small number of drivers vastly over represented, just plain irresponsible. If we got serious about removing this small minority, repeatedly causing serious crashes, our roads would be much safer.
Trouble is speed tickets make money and jails and courts and catching them costs. It'll never happen.
Anyway time to go for my swim...getabiggerbullbar..I'm just a startled bunny in the headlights of life. L.J. Young.
We live in a free country. We have freedom of choice. You can choose to agree with me, or you can choose to be wrong.
Wait! No one told you your government was a sitcom?
1st July 2012, 05:00 PM #25
Drove down the Calder this morning in and out of thick fog. It was amazing the number of drivers who think they don't need lights in such conditions.
1st July 2012, 05:04 PM #26
You Don't.
The headlights reflect back at you giving you less visibility.
The only thing you need are parking lights so you have red at the back for the people coming behind you to judge distance.
Or if you have one of those Hyundai's that have the fog light at the back.
In Europe its illegal to drive with them on when there is no fog.
People here seen to use it all the time. I hate them......
1st July 2012, 05:14 PM #27.
I know you believe you understand what you think I wrote, but I'm not sure you realize that what you just read is not what I meant.
Regards, Woodwould.
1st July 2012, 05:55 PM #28
I'm talking about rear lights.
1st July 2012, 10:03 PM #29
Thank-you Woodwould, I was beginning to think I was the only one who knew that.Driving around with the fog/driving lights turned on when they arent necessary should be illegal as it is like driving around with high beams on in a built up area. It is unnecessary and can cause visibility problems for other drivers.
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