Results 106 to 115 of 115
30th May 2012, 08:33 AM #106
I don't have 53 minutes to spare, but if someone would like to run a precis past me, I'll attempt a response.
Assuming the leather is attached to the desk, I would wax the whole desk, leather and all. If the leather has lifted in places, squeeze a little paste under it and let it dry before proceeding.
I know you believe you understand what you think I wrote, but I'm not sure you realize that what you just read is not what I meant.
Regards, Woodwould.
30th May 2012, 05:43 PM #107
Paul, (pmcgee) very kindly posted the youtube link to Peter Gedrys video on finishes and asked the question of both WW and myself. Now obviously, I can't comment on WW's views re this, and for myself as an amature wood worker/polisher, rather than a professional, the first comment I would make is I for one am certainly not going to disagree with Peter's views based on I think he said his 26 years of experience.
So, my first impressions are yes, what he said and demonstrated made total sense to me and I believe quite correct. His comments and demonstrations in regards to the use of varnish type products, the equipment used, brushes, sanding etc, to me seem spot on. I too do pretty much as he suggests, but even I too learned a few minor technique improvements I can implement in future. I also agree with his views re Tung oil/vrs Tung oil based oil finishes. I use such finishes on floors, bench tops, cupboard doors in wet rooms etc. No dramas with them, and if scratched and/or worn you simply need to key back and re-coat.
As to his views on shellac finishes, the application of etc. I totally agree with him. From my view, once used to using shellac it is one of the easiest and nicest finishes to apply. Given I am mostly restoring antiques, and/or antique joinery, I rarely would even consider using any other finish. If you are worried re its use on tables or chairs, due to damage, heat/water etc, then you can always consider using something like Hard Shellac. Refer to Ubeauts website re this. But as a rule I am not worried re using shellac on such items, I always wipe up and never apply hot items to such polished surfaces.
Some of the coating techniques Peter described perhaps I might ever so slightly differ in my approach, but fundamentally I wouldnt do anything different from what he did. If using a brush, and I will always use this on complex areas on a piece, (carvings, mouldings etc) to me that is an obvious application method, but I will also use on large areas if I feel I need to or it is easier to do so. Like Peter, I have shellaced finished a wooden wall surface at my country property, let alone skirtings, doors, mantles etc.
His advice re using a pad (and I too make a pad as he suggests), on flat surfaces, however makes good sense and most definitely if you are after a perfect finish on say a table top. The risk of using a brush on such areas are if your technique is not spot on, and this is even more of a problem if the flat surface is on the vertical, is that you can get runs in the finish, which you will need to rub out (with sandpaper). I noted he too advocated the use of sandpaper between coats, not steel wool. I agree with this. The key being the grade of paper.
What he didn't explain, but I think I have previously in this thread is that as I apply more coats of shellac in 3 stages of say 3 applications that I change fup rom 260 grade paper up to 400 on the last sanding back. But then again, I am mostly after a really fine/silky finish, given this is what appeals to me, and mostly be it furniture or joinery I am after a fine french polished lustrous finish. If you are not, then less can be more if that makes sense.
However, I always finish off with super fine 0000 grade steel wool before I wax polish.
For someone, perhaps less experienced in the different types of finishes and their applications, my view is that this video is an excellent reference to watch.
30th May 2012, 05:52 PM #108
WOW..HC..a great review of the clip..I havent watched it as yet, but already I'm having a sense of my grasshopper status being re-affirmed.. so much more to learn!
All good though...
Havent had a chance to get to the final stages yet..hopeful for tomorrow afternoon work permiting. (boy, work really does violate my time!!)
30th May 2012, 05:58 PM #109
30th May 2012, 06:06 PM #110
30th May 2012, 09:14 PM #111
Gees guys I am with you, 1st after getting home from work a decent homebrew, now enjoying a nice glass of red. I am sure it all helps. Hey grasshopper, in truth mate you have moved on from being a complete novice, given how far you have come on this journey of learning. Keep us posted on how your desk looks after the waxing stage. Then as the glow from what you have achieved, when ready there is your next project. I have posted some pics of my next projects plus request for advice from the learned ones on the forum
4th June 2012, 10:21 AM #112
Well folks.....as of red wine time last night, the project has come to a close!!
Pics attached from the proud dad of this newly restored old desk!! I'm sitting here enjoyng the scent of freshly waxed furniture with a fantastic old world feel!
Firstly, many many thanks to all who have helped with this..feels very much like a group effort, so you need to come over and enjoy a red and a cigar around it!! (bit of secret mens'business stuff) Huge grattitude particularly to WW & HC for your incredible on-line tutoring!!
WHilst the end result is certainly not pristine, I reckon given what I had to work with, my grasshopper status, and your guidance, we have come up trumps with a beautiful piece that will grace my home office/ study/'smoking room' for many years, and hopefully decades to come.
Something I will do soon, as a way of consolidating and thanking you all, is to post my 'lessons learned' This migh be useful for some others who have been enjoying being part of our travels with this project. Meantime, a litle break before I show you my next project (small one )
Cheers, Lawry
4th June 2012, 10:27 AM #113
Congratulations on a job well done! You're bound to be happy with that!
I know you believe you understand what you think I wrote, but I'm not sure you realize that what you just read is not what I meant.
Regards, Woodwould.
4th June 2012, 10:39 AM #114
Great result, especially considering what you started with!
Enjoy a glass of red for me in celebration,..maybe wait till after lunch though!
4th June 2012, 02:26 PM #115
Damned nice job there Lawry
, you indeed should be really happy with the end results. I did say that it would provide you with a big grin
. I also always love that final stage where all the hard work comes together in a big rush as you buff off the wax and can stand back and admire it.
I can tell you one other thing, (regardless that it wasn't the purpose), you will have added value to your desk.
Considering what you started with, mate you have definitely have earned your wings and no longer need to consider yourself a "grasshopper". Would be most proud to sit down over a red, a cigar with you and admire your efforts. Oh well nice idea.
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