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Thread: Hi,to all
10th March 2012, 10:59 PM #1
Hi,to all
G'day,I have been looking at the forum for over a year now ,thought it was about time I introduce myself ,Have had to many hobbies in the past,and have been dropping a lot of them, and trying to settle down,I am akeen fly fisher and fly tyer,but where I live now there is no trout around,unless you are prepared to travel I am past traveling,
Have built a few furniture bits,restored a couple of vintage cars,23 Dodge tourer,32 Austin single seater,built Hit and miss petrol engine and a Hot air Engine ,Built the Raymack tool and cutter grinder and involved now in scale horse drawn wagons and carriages,Have most of all the Triton gear,a Herless Lathe and a Horizontel mill,,
Oh yes and I am old but not feeble .
10th March 2012, 11:40 PM #2
Welcome to the forum. Always good to keep yourself busy. I do the same but the major hobby is something called work.
12th March 2012, 07:32 PM #3
Welcome to the Forum and hope you find plenty of
interesting topics to study. With your background you
would be handy to have around our typical woodturning
Look forward to seeing some of your work in due course.
AllanLife is short ... smile while you still have teeth.
12th March 2012, 08:35 PM #4
Certainly not much fly fishing happening around Shep but with all the water that has been around here this past week or so the paddocks probably had a fish or two swimming on them!
Welcome aboard.
ps If you ever have the urge to work on chev's I have '76 gathering dust and taking up space in my garage
13th March 2012, 01:36 AM #5
Welcome to the forum
17th March 2012, 04:59 AM #6
Hi and welcome to the forum
Reality is no background music.
Cheers John
17th March 2012, 06:26 AM #7
Welcome TKO Have a look in our Scale Model Section. HERE Your Horse drawn Models will be welcome.Aussie
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