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Thread: Hoo Roo from Nth Qld.
19th January 2012, 03:54 PM #1
Hoo Roo from Nth Qld.
g'day I'm Phil from near Ingham, about 1 hour north of Townsville.
I do a bit of woodwork and metalwork. I found this site whilst searching for Hercus information on my latest acquisition, a southbend 9" clone, so for now I will probably be lurking the metalwork section.
21st January 2012, 01:44 PM #2
Welcome aboard. nice to have you as a member.
Reality is no background music.
Cheers John
21st January 2012, 05:15 PM #3
Welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy your stay and get out of the metalwork section eventually.
Wood Butcher
22nd January 2012, 09:26 AM #4
Hi Phil, welcome to the forums
done a bit of metalwork myself and once i get my own place i might just have to set up a small section in my 'shop for some
inherited some tools from my late father such as a drill press and bench grinder, alot of hand tools from apprenticship too
22nd January 2012, 10:00 AM #5
G'Day Phil
"HooRoo" is one of those typically Australian sayings that is heading for extinction, alas, due to our overwhelming bombardment of American TV.
Its a real pity to loose these sayings, and a whole lot more, from our everyday speech!
I think that we are claiming to be clever to adopt "modern" sayings and expressions in our language rather than keeping our old ones slip by.
I have a nephew who is in his mid thirties. He has dreadlocks down to his shoulders and works as a gardener/qualified tree arborist in the blue mountains. To look at him one immediately thinks "hippy" (and all the derogatory terms that go with it) but he is a conscientious and hard worker
The "odd" thing about him is that he always says "HooRoo" and has done since he was a little fella. He is very Australian in his way
Hope to hear more from you PhilJust do it!
Kind regards Rod
22nd January 2012, 10:56 AM #6
Hoo Roo is always my parting comment either in person or on the phone.
Welcome to the forum Phil.
22nd January 2012, 04:28 PM #7
G'day mate,
there is a wealth of good folks with good info and camaraderie on Neils website and I'm sure you will add great value as well, but we need to get one thing straightG'day means Hello and Hooroo means goodbye for now, So which is it?
Are you comin or goin? Not much is dead these days, it's just laying in wait to be revitalized!
Anyway, Hooroo or in fact, I will see you Anon.