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  1. #1
    rogerjenkins Guest

    Default How to ruin a Luxury Imported Sports car in two easy steps

    Here in Port Vincent I live on corner of Germein, & Cameron St. Cameron runs roughly east-west, also has a slope to it, result where it crosses Germein St., there's a Pair of magnificent Spoon-Drains, the first at the normal right-angle to the road, the second, ( which is deeper one end than the other ), runs at an angle.
    This particular day, two city-slickers in a Bright Yellow 2-door, low-slung open-top Sports-car comes tearing down Carmeron, " noses in the air to all and sundry, " when they hit drain No.1,- " WHUMP !! " Driver slammed on the brakes, just as the front of the car struck the 2nd drain,- " CRASH !! " They didn't bother to stop, or check anything,- but S-L-O-W-L-Y drove down the remainder of Cameron with a trail of oil behind, and the engine making a very distinct, " CHUFF !! ; CHUFF!! ; CHUFF!!; CHUFF!!, sound
    Haven't seen the car, or its driver since !!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    About to move


    An older friend, now deceased, used to construct bridges and had one nearly finished in western victoria near Hamilton; the only thing left to do was the build up of the road at either end to allow a smooth transition onto the bridge itself. Speed signs (back in the time when they actually meant something) were in place and all cars slowed down to go over the step onto the new bridge; all cars except for one that is. Jim heard a car approach at high speed and knowing it wasn't going to slow down very much stepped back out of the way. Turns out it wasn't going to slow down at all and it hit the lip of the bridge at full tilt and with an almighty bang. He recognised the car as an elderly Peugeot diesel in quite the hurry as it continued on, but probably not for long. There on the edge of the bridge, according to an amused Jim, was part of it's sump. How long does a car run without part of it's sump?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    McBride BC Canada


    I believe that those drivers are quite the quick study to realize that they have soiled their own nest in public.
    Up here in my little part of the world, it's akin to running your $15k snowmobile into a rock.

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