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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Melbourne (west)

    Default Proposed Speed Hump on our Road

    Please do apologise if I placed this message in wrong place.

    Anyway we have an concern here, our local council wants to build 5 speed humps with bollards and install new street lighting on our road, I am not happy with speed hump right at the front of our house due my concerns about:
    - people doing burnouts after or on the humps
    - utes with nails or paint going too fast causing "fall out" of the utes due building constructions down that road.
    - Since they're building bollards, we have very small nature strip, after they build it - wont have nature strip for visitors cars.
    - worried due speed and might cause future impacts on other cars due too fast or under estimate of speed limits
    - wouldn't it decrease house market value?
    - noises after cars going over the humps

    Positive things that I am aware about - reduce traffic, road is safer due speed limit etc

    My wife asked me if the speed hump would loose market value of the house?
    I might be a bit over the top but i have my reasons, do you think I should raise it to the council?

    Thanks for your replies.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dundowran Beach


    It's a perenial problem, isn't it?

    I would love some traffic calming measures in our street but as i am not a councillor or a good friend of a councillor then it's not about to happen.

    I personally think a sharp dip is more effective than a bump. Hit one of those once and you won't do it a second time!! The hoons can't sit there and do burnouts either.

    Better planning would help with speed issues but that han't happened in your case and I doubt it will happen anywhere in the near future.

    We all just have to grin and bare it I suppose.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by AlpineRaven View Post

    my concerns about:
    - people doing burnouts after or on the humps
    - utes with nails or paint going too fast causing "fall out" of the utes due building constructions down that road.
    - Since they're building bollards, we have very small nature strip, after they build it - wont have nature strip for visitors cars.
    - worried due speed and might cause future impacts on other cars due too fast or under estimate of speed limits
    - wouldn't it decrease house market value? Yes
    - noises after cars going over the humps
    - racing between the humps - "violent acceleration followed by severe braking"
    - swerving to try and pick the lowest part of the hump or clipping the gutter where the hump is the lowest

    - service trucks [garbage, removal, delivery etc] no longer seem to fit in the street
    - emergency services - fire no real problems but ambulance - imagine a seriously ill patient in the back of an ambulance or an ambulance which has to transit your street to get to another patient

    Positive things that I am aware about - reduce traffic, [not necessarily so - it doesn't tend to stop "rat running"] road is safer due speed limit [only for those who value their suspension] etc

    My wife asked me if the speed hump would loose market value of the house?
    I might be a bit over the top but i have my reasons, do you think I should raise it to the council?

    Thanks for your replies.
    Excuse my additions to your text but it was the easy way out for me.

    I have come across a couple of these situations in Brisbane and visited houses in areas where they are - the general consensus seems to be that they appeared to work at first but the situation deteriorated quickly to worse than before they were installed. Granted, it was not an extensive sample but was consistent.

    These so called feel good responses to an ongoing problem caused by a few are not the solution - once again all will suffer or be inconvenienced by the actions of a few. Solve the problem by catching those doing the wrong thing and leave those doing the right thing alone. Flood the local cop shop with photos, video, number plates etc and demand greater surveillance and patrols - should be easy pickings if the problem is as bad as it is claimed to be by those advocating the measures you have stated.

    Not sure if it helps but just some thoughts for you.
    Last edited by Bob38S; 9th November 2011 at 03:47 PM. Reason: almost forgot emergency services

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