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Thread: Cleaning timber
30th October 2011, 10:28 AM #1
Cleaning timber
As can be seen by my other postings on this BB I am in the process of restoring a Clinker Speed boat.
I have been using "Coopers" paint stripper to remove the paint and varnish from the inside f the boat. I have used about 3 liters so far and have done about55 60% of the inside of the boat.
I want to get the inside really clean and have found that the flushing solution gets rid og a lot of the dirt.
I am wondering what the thoughts are of using a timber cleaning product like Cabots Deck Clean to really get the interior clean. I am proposing to mix up the solution iaw instructions, pray the solution on using a pressure garden sprayer, scrub with a stiff dust pan broom and thenflus everything away with the Karcher.
What is the general thoughts on this idea?
Peter Sneddon
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