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Thread: Tyres
13th April 2005, 09:46 PM #61
Originally Posted by ozwinner
DANP - My Experience? 20 odd years of driving, maybe 10 mucking around on the club (that's Driving NOT Night) scene. Several "advanced" driving courses (interpret as you will) a racing driving course, a basic - but very educational - road skid control course (or how to do better than ABS), plus the odd bit of "fanging around". Oh yeah, and about 700,000 km's of mixed city/highway work in the last 8-10 years. Not to mention a fair bit of motorcycle commuting (which is another reason why I am passionate about CAR tyres)
Oh yeah, and I managed to get myself invited onto (and participated in) two days of a Police Driver Training Week...but that's a long story.
Does this make me an "expert"? Well, no. But I believe that the thread started by asking for some advice about tyres, and a variety of members added their bit. The shyte started being thrown by that miserable old Ozwinner.
Whatever. I find it most surprising that a (suspected) police officer is coming over all proud about how long his tyres last, when he should be advocating everybody buying decent rubber to ensure accident avoidance! Just because a set of car is only going to be doing the speed limit doesn't mean that it won't benefit from better rubber.
Be that as it may, the tyres I recommended to 'Ol Rocker are only about $200 each, but in my (and my car clubs') experience they are about the best combination of value and performance under $500 each!
BTW, if you want a recommendation in the over $500 bracket, you can't go past Michelin Pilot SX's ... stick like the proverbial to the cloth, but you'll be lucky to get 20,000 K's out of a set.
On a lighter note, I'd like to shake the hand of Ozwinners email stalker, at least something gets him all steamed-up (I reckon his car has re-treads, which is why my post got him all riled up!)Last edited by RETIRED; 13th April 2005 at 10:02 PM.
Ummmm, what was the question?
13th April 2005, 10:04 PM #62
Simmer down boys.
13th April 2005, 10:04 PM #63
Very good.
But havent you got some, "hoops" (trade talk for tyres) to go and fit.
Your post got me "all riled up" ( whats a riled??) because you come across as a knob head.
But I suppose you already know that??
Hoops!! what a cockhead!!!!!...................
Al :confused:
Sorry ..
I saw your post after I posted mine...
13th April 2005, 10:38 PM #64
And again I state that we are not talking about race car driving and if you drive according to conditions you will have no trouble on $80 Kmart 'hoops'
The fact that you call my honesty into question shows you for the tosser that you are. See the pic if you need proof of my occupation.
When was the last time you heard of an accident and the attributed cause was poor quality tyres? In ten years of policing, I have never. And you could probably say that I've investigated a few. In the time that I've been in the country(2 years), I have been involved in the investigation of about 50 serious and fatal accidents and again, you couldn't say in any of them that poor quality tyres was even a contributing factor.
BTW I have seen and met plenty of 'Club Drivers' who can't drive for spit. This is not a comment on your driving ability but just a general observation. OH, and I've participated in an accumulated four weeks of police driver training.
DanIs there anything easier done than said?- Stacky. The bottom pub, Cobram.
13th April 2005, 11:20 PM #65
Originally Posted by DanP
13th April 2005, 11:55 PM #66
Originally Posted by DanP
They will have to modify those camera so that they can x-ray the car to see your badge...
14th April 2005, 12:22 AM #67
Originally Posted by Daddles
Mick"If you need a machine today and don't buy it,
tomorrow you will have paid for it and not have it."
- Henry Ford 1938
14th April 2005, 01:13 AM #68
DanP is famous!!! They are Village People costumes!!! Now THAT explains a lot...........
14th April 2005, 08:20 AM #69
Originally Posted by DanP
I recall a job I did with the TAc where some poor woman just lost control of her car while driving in a straight line.
VicRoads have a machine which runs over the roads from time to time and measures surface friction, have no idea how it works, this stretch of road was identified (Burwood Hwy, Westbound of Knox City on the South side) and as a consequence charges against the driver were dropped.
I might add that this stretch of road looks perfect and that is about where it ends.
This was about four years ago and I still think the road has the same surface.Stupidity kills. Absolute stupidity kills absolutely.
14th April 2005, 07:25 PM #70
Originally Posted by Iain
There was one today, its ironic because its right outside the cemertry.
This time a car was wrapped around the bus shelter.
14th April 2005, 07:32 PM #71
Originally Posted by ozwinner
I see no need to respond to you!
DanP. I never advocated racing cars or driving like that all the time. You asked for my experience, and I gave you it.
I responded regarding the idea that cheaper is better, and a pair of $80 K-Mart specials won't cut the mustard compared with a slightly more expensive set ... hence my statment " ...Just because a car is only going to be doing the speed limit doesn't mean that it won't benefit from better rubber .." I have met a couple of coppers who can't drive very well, but what does that prove? That I can P*SS as high as you???
I don't recall ACTUALLY calling your honesty into question. Maybe you have something to fear from the corruption enquiry in Victoria???? Perhaps a guilty conscience?
Once again I'll restate my amazement that a serving policeman would even countenance the idea of cheap tyres for general conditions! Two mates and a brother-in-law (all long term (10+ yrs) serving officers in WA) had a gander at your post and shook their heads in amazement.
All personally directed comments have come from a couple of "Sad B**stards" on this site, not from me.
Wallow in your own (less sticky tyred) misery, the weather is too nice for me to be like that.
Rocker, as before, if you want a decent tyre that will "most likely last
40-50,000 KM" and be safer than average in all road conditions, go for the Dunlop FM901's. They're great. I have even convinced my old man to get a set, and he is a tight old git.
Have a nice dayUmmmm, what was the question?
14th April 2005, 07:56 PM #72
14th April 2005, 07:59 PM #73
In a previous incarnation, I was a surveyor. There's a stretch of freeway just outside of Hahndorf where, every time it rains, there's a bingle. So they sent me up there to do a survey to see if we could find out what was happening. Sure enough, half way along this stretch, the camber swaps sides and with a bit of rain, you get a very shallow, very wide river running across the road. Instant explanation for the prangs. That was ten years ago - they still haven't touched it.
14th April 2005, 08:51 PM #74
Originally Posted by bitingmidge
Wasnt your expensive 'oops??
Al :confused:
14th April 2005, 08:54 PM #75
Originally Posted by Fat Pat
Originally Posted by Fat Pat
Originally Posted by Fat Pat
Originally Posted by Fat Pat
Originally Posted by Fat Pat
PS I don't plan on entering into any further discussion in relation to this matter. It's obvious that you have your opinion and I have mine. I won't sway you and you won't sway me. So be it.Is there anything easier done than said?- Stacky. The bottom pub, Cobram.