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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
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    Wink Hardwood floor finish ideas.

    Hi all.
    I will be sanding some hardwood floors this weekend. Can anybody recommend a suitable finish? We are after a dull finish, no gloss at all, just a sealer to keep the nasties out. Almost a waxy finish. Not sure what type of timber, just a mixture of old Australian hardwoods (c1840).
    Any hints or ideas would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    rogerjenkins Guest


    Tung Oil,- comes in 4 litre cans. Can be walked on, Stomped on, Objects dragged over it. Real tuff matt type of finish. The hardware shop in Minlaton, SYP, has Tung Oil on their old floorboards in the shop area, which was sanded and sealed about 20 years ago according to the owner. There's various brands around. All ( as far as I know ) are similar in formula, or whatever the mixing process is called, and prices also vary from brand to brand.
    There are other more modern products available, mostly of an Acrylic clear nature, or a matt type lacquer, but with some of these the fumes are horrid and one has to be extremely careful with the application process, and wear the appropriate safety protection gear too, otherwise things can go horribly wrong.
    Hope this bit of info is of some help.
    Maybe other members will have even better ideas and suggestions.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Albury Well Just Outside
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    Welcome to the forum.

    Tung oil in it's most purest form does take a long time to dry. The Tung oil (also known as China Wood oil) that you get from hardware stores does have some other ingredients added to aid in drying and strength.

    I do not have any hardwood flooring so can not suggest anything. I personally like Feast Watson or Organoil products. You might want to check out their web sites as you will be armed with more information when you go out to purchase. You might even know more then the person at the sales desk.

  4. #4
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    Welcome to the forum

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