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  1. #16
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    37 Deg, 52. 697' South 145 deg, 15.627' East. Elevation 78M
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    Quote Originally Posted by Woodwould View Post
    About twelve years ago, I witnessed an elderly woman being bowled down the footpath as she stepped out of a shop by a school kid on a scooter.

    I believe all forms of transport that use public roads (the scooter shouldn't have been on the footpath in the first instance) should be registered and taxed – bicycles included.

    I also have one of the Red Plastic Chariots and like you, I see many people who use them more through laziness than any real need for them. I see some charioteers speeding around with scant regard for others. Some of them are simply ignoramuses, but I suspect others have degenerated to that level through sheer frustration with the general public's attitude towards them.

    I rarely use my chariot (the Melbourne Timber and Working with Wood Show last year was my last outing on it) because I can't handle the way I'm treated when I take it out.
    My 85 year old farther was recently pulled up by Plod for speeding on his scooter, I would hate to think what would happen if he had hit some one, apart from the injury he would have needed to sell his house to pay for the medical expenses and compensation.
    Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I´m not so sure about the universe.

  2. #17
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    If I were involved there would have been a scene, if the individual showed they were inclined towards making the scene physical then I would be more than happy to oblige on that front too

    I have two rules;
    1. Never hit first
    2. Always hit second
    It's only a mistake if you don't learn from it.

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil Spencer View Post
    Whilst sitting at our table this T%rd (that description is being kind to him and disrespectful to T%rds) he wanted to get past, and, instead of walking around the table he decided to grab Mrs Phil's wheel chair and move it out of the way.

    Any suggestions how I should handle this situation in the future?
    Really hard to handle. Blood boiling stuff.

    This guy had a solution to rudness. Cool, calm and collected!

    Snubbed Turnstile Man Gets Revenge - Jokeroo


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

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