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18th November 2000, 04:24 PM #1
How to get your timber home.........
Just found this on another US post
Just proves I don't need the Landcruiser....Stupidity kills. Absolute stupidity kills absolutely.
18th November 2000, 07:14 PM #2
And I thought we were bad... once carried home about a thousand pavers in our little Telstar. A very interesting experience, I can tell you!
Cogito cogito, cogito ergo sum
- I think that I think, therefore I think that I am
18th November 2000, 08:38 PM #3
Puts a new meaning on load bearing ethics!
Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have film.
18th November 2000, 11:45 PM #4
They just don't build them VW's like they used to. Hahahahahahah....
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19th November 2000, 12:04 PM #5
I get the feeling that even a good ute would have trouble with that lot...
Cogito cogito, cogito ergo sum
- I think that I think, therefore I think that I am
29th November 2000, 02:19 PM #6
I once carried 90 8" concrete blocks home in a 1965 Bedford (Vauxhall Viva)panel van. Every time you hit a small bump in the road the rear number plate hit the ground and the front wheels just lifted off the ground. The steering was certainly light. The vehicle lasted for a further 100,000 miles after that "hairy" trip