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Thread: Forum Mugs WIP!
6th May 2011, 04:58 PM #91
TL, If there is a spare put my name on it , pretty please
Cheers Fred
The difference between light and hard is that you can sleep with the light on.
http://www.redbubble.com/people/fredsmi ... t_creative"
Updated 26 April 2010
6th May 2011, 05:15 PM #92anne-maria.
Tea Lady
(White with none)
Follow my little workshop/gallery on facebook. things of clay and wood.
9th May 2011, 12:44 AM #93Cheers Fred
The difference between light and hard is that you can sleep with the light on.
http://www.redbubble.com/people/fredsmi ... t_creative"
Updated 26 April 2010
31st May 2011, 10:22 AM #94
These mugs are not sanctioned as official Forum Merchandise. They fall way below the standard required be classed as Forum Merchandise and breach our trademark/logo requirements.
They are now a limited edition.
I believe all orders placed have now filled and no more orders will be taken.
Neil Ellis
Forum Owner/Head Administrator
31st May 2011, 03:23 PM #95
31st May 2011, 06:14 PM #96
A Plea
With due respect to the forum Neil, I think that is a little unfair.
TL's mugs may not be everyones cup of tea and the wonky printing is not to everyones taste. They are hand made.
The mugs themselves are lovely. beautifully balanced and nice to drink from. I have about 4 without the logo and they are the ones I serve to friends.
Perhaps, as this is not exactly a commercial venture. Limited production and all. TL might be able to continue as a sort of "Forum Special" between friends and all. Just a bit of fun and a special keepsake for TL's regular fans.
I fully understand that you may feel that they are not of a commercial standard, But some of us like the off beat
PS. I am no longer associated with TBS
31st May 2011, 06:25 PM #97
31st May 2011, 07:31 PM #98
31st May 2011, 10:33 PM #99
I didn't get one... do yer reckon I might be too late?
If you find a post of mine that is missing a pic that you'd like to see, let me know & I'll see if I can find a copy.
31st May 2011, 10:45 PM #100
I can feel the value of my investment going up already.
Enough is enough, more than enough is too much.
1st June 2011, 12:53 AM #101
All that needs to be said has been said to Tea Lady, including that I don't have a problem with the mugs, just what's on them.
As for saying things like: it's not all about the freekn "brand" Easy to see it's not your brand we're talking about. Beside that, it actually isn't all about the brand, there's a lot more to it than that and I don't intend to argue the toss with anyone here.
The logo is recognisable world wide and is the logo of U-Beaut Enterprises, used for Woodworking Australia, Woodwork Forums, Renovate Forum, and is the also tied in with U-Beaut Polishes, U-Beaut Publishing and the now closed Central Victorian School of Woodcrafts.
It is my logo and when permission is given for it's use it is to be used in it's original form only.
We aim to maintain a high standard in everything to do with the forums, from the look of the forums, posts and moderation, to caps, polo's, shirts and everything else connected with the forums. What's on the mugs is below that standard and was never approved for use. It's that simple.
These forums average 27 million hits a month from around 1 million original visitors. We don't get those sorts of figures from being below par, we get them because we are professional and maintain a consistently high standard.
I see no reason why that standard should be compromised for anything to do with the forums.
Summing up: No problem with the mug, big problem with what's on the mug, no approval given.
It's all over red rover.
I have nothing more to say on the subject.
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