Two old drovers were leaning on the bar of the local pub,discussing the relative merits of various dogs."Now I reckon my blue heelers the smartest dog on the country,"said one " do any thing its told.
"Nah," said the other,"Me Kelpie,s master."e thinks for imself."
They argued back and forth across the mounting pile of glasses,the yarns about what each dog could do getting wilder and more far-fetched.But neither could agree with the other.
"Tell you what ,"one said "Lets put it to the test.Meet you out by the chicken run termorrer mornin."
Morning rose bright and early the two old codgers rose bluff and bleary,and went out to the chicken run with their dogs.
"Right, Bluey,"said the bloke with the Heeler.
"Now you listen here ahd listen good,coz I'm gonna tell yer once,"the dog sat and watched him,eyes bright and ears erect."Now Blue,I want yer to go down that road for a kilometre and yer will come ter a gate.Go through the gate, up over the hill,ter yer left and yer'll come to a brick wall with another gate.Open the gate,go through and yer'll find three poddy calves.Round up the calves,bring 'em back through the gate,close it,bring 'em back over the hill,through the second gate and back here.Yer got that?"
The dog barked,wheeled,scampered off down the road,through the gate, over the hill,through the gate closed it, and brought the calves bacik to his master.
"Geez,thats pretty smart,"said the bloke with the Kelpie,'But thats nuthin.You watch this.......Oi,Kelly! Breakfast!" The dog looked around,dashed down the road, came back, with a billy of water, collected somne sticks, begged a match off his master,lit the fire, put the billy on to boil,scrabbled his way under the wire of the chicken coop, collected an egg,put it in the water,sat and watched it for three and a half minutes, took the billy off the fire, gently tipped the egg out at the blokes feet, then stood on his head.
"Geez thats bloody clever," said the bloke with the Heeler,"but what's the silly bugger doin' standin' on 'is 'ead?"
"Ah!" said the other bloke,"e's not so silly,'e knows I haven't got an egg cup."

Cheers laugh and the world laughs with you
