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Thread: Rimu knowhow
27th March 2011, 12:52 PM #1
Rimu knowhow
Hi all,
I am new to this forum so, first greeting all and hope you are all well.
10 years ago I purchased a lovely bedroom suit,made of that great NZ timber called Rimu.
Now it's showing a little wear and tear, perfume marks on the dresser, bed side table scratches,and so on.
I worked with timber before, but never with Rimu, before attempting to rejuvenate the suit, i'd would like some expert opinion on how to go about, sanding it,grade of sanding material,kind of finish products, coating etc..etc..
If any of you good hearted soul can give me some advice i'd appreciated.
Cheers and thanks for listening
28th March 2011, 07:54 PM #2
Hi nocoin,
I've made a few furniture pieces from Rimu, including a coffee table. rather than be precious about it (running around with a coaster in my hand!) I just let people put whatever they want on it, mugs, beer bottles etc. To restore it I usually use my random orbital sander and go through the grits to 220. I then finish it off with a few coats of shellac, which I rub down with 000 steel wool between coats. Historically I have also used Danish Oil. But depends on what type of finish you like. I prefer a mat finish so haven't used varnishes etc (eventhough Danish Oil is just a thinned down varnish !).
Hope this helps. I'm sure there are better posts on finishing in the forum, check them out.
Take careIn memory of my Dad "Jas the Master Craftsman"
29th March 2011, 02:19 PM #3
Rimu Know How
Hi Jas The Master,
Well, thank you very much, for those precious tips, being in Australia not many know about Rimu.
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