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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Default Hi there from Melbourne

    Hi all, my name is Andy from melbourne - over the past 6months I have been thinking about a career in Cabinet Making. Throughout highschool I did a little bit of woodwork and really enjoyed creating different pieces of work from my designs, I however did not end up following this passion and went into something that my parents wanted for me - a university degree. I am now 27 and itching for a career change however I do have some debts on hand but nothing too serious such as a mortgage ... yet!

    So I am just seeing if anyone has an idea on how much a cabinet maker in Melbourne makes per year and what are the pay rates for the apprentice wages from year 1 to 4? so I can consider if i really can pursue a career as a cabinet maker.

  2. #2
    crowie's Avatar
    crowie is offline Life's Good, Enjoy each new day & try to encourage
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    Dec 2009
    Faulconbridge, Lower Blue Mountains


    G'Day Andy & Welcome to the forum,
    Before you jump too far, why not find a local cabinet-maker and offer to sweep his floors a while,
    so you can actually check out the day yo day of what the ground-floor of the trade is all about.
    There's a heap of cost in good tools plus at 27 it'll be a big change.
    Just a few thoughts.
    Enjoy your woodwork.
    Cheers, Crowie

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Albury Well Just Outside


    Welcome to the forum. Not able to offer much in advise on what you have asked but none the less very interesting question.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Thanks for your reply Crowie - over the past 4months now have been helping out my uncle who is a handy man (renovations), we have been whipping up some neat constructions such as outdoor decking and a patio cover - and have developed a pretty good idea of tools used for those jobs (mind you alot of sweeping and clean up was involved with those jobs) haha. We also did a renovation on a kitchen which we constructed cabinet blocks which was fun. Having a back ground in architectural design for the past 4 years certainly does help a little, as for being 27, it is a bit touch and go in terms of drastically reducing down to the apprentice wages, so just curious to see where I would be headed in that regard.

    Thanks christos, look forward to keeping updated on everything thing there is to know about the industry and those involved!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Central Queensland


    Hi Andy ,I have no idea about cabinet making wages etc. But it's never too late for a major career change. My O.H took up a chef apprenticeship at 37 years old, the first 2 years were hard financially but so worth it. Then he had the brilliant idea of buying a slotcar track ( it'll never make us rich but he's happy ). So what I'm trying to say is follow your dreams.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Munruben, Qld


    Hi Andy and welcome to the forum.
    Reality is no background music.
    Cheers John

  7. #7
    Timeless Timber Guest

    Default I would think

    I would think that at 27 and with your educational background you'd easily qualify for whats called a mature aged apprenticeship - where life skills and experience, ROPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) all qualify you for a reduced time apprenticeship - maybe 18 months tops!

    The govt grants I think top up the apprenticeship wage for the employer so that you can afford too live and it doesn't break the bank for him to employ you.

    This link might help you out!

    Mature Age Apprenticeship Australia « ABCDiamond

    Mature Age Apprenticeship scheme
    The way this seems to work is that employers receive government funded incentives of normally up to $4,000.
    Each State may be different in this, and the above relates to Queensland.
    Mid-Career Apprentices or Support for Adult Apprentices:
    Payments to either the employer or the Apprentice themselves of $150 per week in the first year and $100 per week in the second year are made by the government. These payments as classed as taxable income.
    More information will be added as it is checked.

    Seems like you'd be pretty attractive proposition to any employer looking for a more mature apprentice - one who's already displayed an ability to stick at something!

    Always easier to convince an employer too take you on - if you go in waving a fist full of free govt funds for the privilege!

    Good luck with it.


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