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12th January 2011, 11:10 PM #1
Another climbing aboard the Welcome Wagon
G'day all,
My name is Ben, I'm a young Sydney local just getting into things. Well that's not strictly true, I am a carpenter by trade, but I have been only just recently getting into the finer side of all things wood.
I'm mostly interested in box and furniture making, I have a few projects in mind, and I'll lend a hand in the reno section since it's my day job and there is no shortage of questions to confound the DIYer.
I will confess to being a dark-sider and preferring hand tools, a hand plane is much more satisfying than the electric version, to which end I am hoping to establish a collection beyond an inherited No.5 and my Bailey Block Plane. Still it's not a bad start.
I am also learning to enjoy a good chisel. I have a set of Bahcos as general bench chisels and have just started a collection of Titan firmers (1 25mm and 2 19mm with original handles- gotta love antique stores), of course various projects will require other toys, erm, chisels.
Right, that's enough about me, time to get stuck into it
13th January 2011, 07:21 AM #2
G'day Ben and welcome to shed!!
You are one of a number who have confesed to going from carpentry to the finer side of WW, so you are not alone.
13th January 2011, 07:40 AM #3
Welcome to the forum Ben.
Reality is no background music.
Cheers John
13th January 2011, 12:51 PM #4
Welcome to the forum.
15th January 2011, 04:41 PM #5
Thanks for the warm welcome, all. This place is proving to have a great wealth of knowledge! I look forward to gleaning and contributing all I can.