I didn't mean to have my son when I did but I don't regret having him.

I would say that the later you leave it the more risk there is that it will never happen - biology can be a terrible thing.

The only thing that stops you doing stuff that you really really want to when you are a parent is lack of cash, otherwise everything is possible. Most ski resorts have ski-schools. you leave junior ( and they can be very junior - if they can walk they can ski - go to any European ski resort ) and go off ski-ing for a few hours. After a week he skis better than you do :eek: Having a kid hasn't stoped me doing stuff - I've had flying lessons, had heaps of motorcycling weekends away ( mine was the sidecar outfit with the stroller bungeed to the back ).

Since he was born I've worked overseas ( he was 5 - german kindergarten after english school was a shock but he survived) and emigrated with to a country where I knew virtually no-one ( at least they speak English here - well sort of). Both times I got offered the job despite being quite open about the fact that I was a single parent.

Being a parent also means that you do things you would never have done otherwise.