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Thread: G'day from Ecuador
1st December 2010, 01:11 PM #1
G'day from Ecuador
Not that I'm always here, but the fam and I are taking a year to live in another culture, learn another language, boat and fish in new waters. So there being a shortage of good boats here, I'm planning to build one or two. Was ready to build Storer's Quick Canoe, but my son nixed that, wants a stable fishing platform. Maybe the Handy Punt, maybe Michalak's Jon Jr. Wanting a quick and inexpensive boat.
Years ago built a cedar strip canoe, still in good use after 35 years! That's back home in Wisconsin, USA. Have a nearly completed plywood kayak in the basement there, interrupted by this trip south.
Sailed quite a bit when young, mostly one-designs but big boats on the Great Lakes also. Was a racer, now a cruiser. Thinking of the GIS once we're back home (and the kayak's done), I have a mate there who'd also like one so we could have a building party.
Enough for now. I've enjoyed reading these forums for a month or so, now I look forward to posting my questions.
Fair winds, Jerry
1st December 2010, 04:46 PM #2
Welcome Jerry nice to have you aboard.
Reality is no background music.
Cheers John
1st December 2010, 08:42 PM #3
Welcome mate
1st December 2010, 10:52 PM #4
Thanks fellows. I've enjoyed the sense of humor that is very active among posters here. Must be an Oz thing.
2nd December 2010, 09:28 PM #5
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