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Thread: Open post to Gerbilsquasher
26th November 2010, 08:10 PM #1
Open post to Gerbilsquasher
This was posted by: Gerbilsquasher
Original Content: Quote:
I believe that the 'moderators' might remove this as they are equally bigoted as the government I am attempting to remove. Removing this thread is a violation of free speech, perpetuates suffering of carers of disabled children, discriminates on the basis of my status as a parent of a diasabled child and violates my civil rights. Removal of this thread will be reported to the Equal Opportunity Commission.
It was deleted and led to the post about Electioneering.
Websters definition of a bigot is as follows:
<input class="au" title="Listen to the pronunciation of bigot" type="button"> noun \ˈbi-gət\
Definition of BIGOT
: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
— big·ot·ed<input class="au" title="Listen to the pronunciation of bigoted" type="button">\-gə-təd\ adjective
— big·ot·ed·ly adverb
We, the Administrators and Moderators of the Woodwork Forums, take extreme offence to being called bigoted. On no occasion has a post been deleted because of bias on our part.
There have been posts deleted BECAUSE of bigotry.
You know nothing of what goes on in our (Admins and Mods) lives and what we do in private life for a number of disabled and under privileged people.
I think you would be ashamed of what you have suggested if you did.
Your interpretation of "free speech" obviously includes being extremely offensive. Your right to "free speech" is written quite plainly in the rules if you had bothered to read them under this:
The owner, administrators and moderators of this Forums reserve the right to delete any message or members for any or no reason whatsoever. You remain solely responsible for the content of your messages, and you agree to indemnify and hold blameless these Forums, U-Beaut Enterprises the administrators, moderators, and their agents with respect to any claim based upon transmission of your message(s)
Your civil rights have not been violated and whilst we have sympathy for your plight this is not the Forum for the vitriolic response above.
We therefore respectfully suggest you post a public apology to us, the hardworking Admins and Moderators of this forum, by 11pm Saturday 27/11/2010 (ie election day).
Should this public apology not be forthcoming, we will deal with you the same way we deal with any other member of this forum who behaves contrary to the rules of this forum and contrary to the rules of acceptable behaviour in our society.
Respectfully yours,
Ian () Robertson.
Senior Admin on behalf of all the
Administrators and Moderators of
Woodwork Forums
30th November 2010, 09:05 PM #2
Well said!
7th December 2010, 12:50 PM #3
I would change "well said" to "very well said".....
I noticed in gerbilsquasher's profile that they "haven't made any friends yet" and I think I know why.
My wife and I are very heavily involved in working with people with disabilities and it is something that we do both voluntarily and quietly. I know and work with many carers and I assure you that they are as dismayed by gerbisquashers attitude as I am.
Yes, being a carer is a stressful, thankless and all-consuming challenge but it is made so much worse by driving support, understanding and potential helpers away.
thankyou moderators,
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