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Thread: Removing paint
10th November 2010, 08:50 PM #1
Removing paint
I live in a 1920's red brick newlyweds cottage in Adelaide. Sometime c. 1960's - 1980's (unsure, sorry), a previous owner added a timber extension to the rear and painted over the formerly-external brick walls. My partner and I now want to remove this paint and bring the wall back to the original red brick.
There only appears to be two layers of paint and sections have already started falling off, possibly due to damp. Beneath the paint, though, there is some sort of yellowy powder coated onto the bricks (which appear to have been sanded down).
First of all, can anyone suggest what the yellow stuff might be and whether it is dangerous in any way? Could it merely be some sort of dried putty?
Second, can anyone suggest an appropriate method of paint removal, taking into consideration the age, nature and history of the bricks.
We've tried using a paint scaper but this is barely effective on some sections. A wire brush has also been useful but if there is anything better (and quicker), I'd love to hear about it.
Thank you
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