hey everyone, we bought a house last september and there is no insulation in the walls or ceiling. the house has high cathedral ceilings with a ceiling/roof gap of about 180mm. i've had two insulation quotes, both have recommended blow in insulation. one company recommended rockwool, the other cellulose fibre. the latter company guarantees the insulation for life and says it doesn't compact over time so no lowering of its R rating. the rockwool guy says they both lose effectiveness over time but rockwool settles at about 6% loss of effectiveness over 5 years whereas cellulose loses about 16% over the same period. so i'm not sure which way to go as both salesmen threw in a bit of contradictory info. the cellulose price was about $850 cheaper than rockwool. does anybody here have any knowledge of these two products or have any advice to help me select which way to go?

thanks in advance

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