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Thread: Feast Watson Floor seal
7th October 2010, 09:24 PM #1
Feast Watson Floor seal
Has anyone got experience with Feast Watson Floor Seal, it is a Tung Oil based wipe on polly floor sealer. I have used it on small pieces previously with excellent results, now I have tried it on a bench top and I am having a problem with wipe marks, I applied the first coat with a lambs wool applicator and it was smooth finish, I lightly sanded it with 400grit paper in case of any raised grain, the next coat has some wipe marks in it despite great care with the application. The timber is Spur Mahogany and I allowed 24hrs between coats to ensure total drying.
any ideas please.
8th October 2010, 07:03 AM #2
FW floor seal is hard to use on bigger surfaces as we've both found. It helps to dilute it about 20% with turps and work quickly and systematically across the board with just a little overlap with the last wet edge. Work looking into a reflecting light to pick up any excess or dry spots in the track you're just doing, you can get them immediately, but if there's imperfections further back leave them, you will just make a bigger mess.
8th October 2010, 08:33 AM #3
Thanks mic-d, I am working into the light as you say but havn't tried thinning it, label said no, so I will try your suggestion, can always sand it back and start again.
Thankyou for your help.
8th October 2010, 03:11 PM #4
Hi Wallnut,
I use nothing else these days. I apply with cloth and brush depending on the job. Thinning is a good idea.
As for the blemish, sand the area and reapply to the whole surface. After a few applications the "blemish area" will come up to the sheen of the rest.
I sometime finish with 1000g wet and dry and F&W furniture polish. Makes it real nice to touch.
Nice piece BTW.
8th October 2010, 04:22 PM #5
Comes up well if you let it harden for few days then hit it with U-beaut EEE - takes off any dust nibs and leaves a finish that is nice to the touch.
"It's good enough" is low aim
9th October 2010, 09:15 AM #6
Thankyou gentleman,I lightly re-sanded the whole top back, thinned the FW Seal by 10% and reapplied, nice result. i have since applied 3 more coats (not thinnned) with a light sand with 1000grit between and the result is fantastic. Even the wife is impressed, it is her new kitchen after all.
Once again thankyou.
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