Hi everbody

I was hoping that somebody could offer me some advice.

I am looking to renovate an existing back extension to my home as I had a fire recently.

We were lucky in that the fire didnt actually get our home but unfortunately it did burn our garage down with our car in it.

So we are looking to extend to the existing structure ( ie; the back area of the house) by increasing the current area by a further 3mtrs * 5mtrs. As we are looking to incorporate the area which once was the garage into that same structure. The new room to be built will be approx 6mtrs * 4mtrs.

I obtained a quote from a builder recently and was advised that the cost of works would be approx 135K but this seemed very expensive to me given that my job doesent seem that difficult. (ie; small extension to the existing structure and a complete rebuild of a new room).

I will obtain some other quotes but would I better served just to owner build the project to reduce the cost.


Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com...