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Thread: Rotten weatherboards
23rd June 2010, 03:50 AM #1
Rotten weatherboards
I purchased our current property around 12 mnths ago in torquay Vic. At the inspection noticed about 20% of the boards on the south and west side of the house were rotted at the joins. I've done my research and now understand the process to replace the boards. The boards are radiata pine which I've read on another thread on this site are more likely to rot in southern Australia, the house is also only 13 years old. If anyone can assist with advice it would be greatly appreciated,
1. Should I consider another type of board, hardwood or weathertex (what is weathertex?)
2. Is this type of damage normal for a house 13 years old, strangely enough the paint looks ok and looks as though it may have been painted around 3 or 5 years ago?
3. Once I've repaired the damaged boards should I repaint the entire west, south side of the house to protect the remaining boards?
I assume something has been done incorrectly when the house was first painted as the rotten boards are very soft and need replacing asap.
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