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Thread: A place in France
18th January 2005, 08:45 PM #1
A place in France
Has anyone been watching this show? Its a documentary on at 6.30pm on the ABC (well in Tas anyway). Its about two pommy blokes who go to France to buy a house in the country to renovate and use as a holiday house. They found an old house and bought it. Good points, only cost 15000 pounds, great views, 300 years old, nice neighbours. Bad points; it is a stone shell with a roof, no second story floor, no windows (well no frames), large cracks and dampness everywhere. They've apparently only budgeted 6000 pounds to renovate the place. I want to see how they do that. Should make for interesting viewing.
19th January 2005, 02:52 PM #2
19th January 2005, 07:22 PM #3
I lurve the car.
19th January 2005, 08:56 PM #4
Nice neighbours? Think that changes in the next episode. Hahah..
Ya have to love how one of them is living it up in the best hotel while the other is camping in the house!
19th January 2005, 09:09 PM #5
That financial agent looks pretty neat ... for a redhead. I'd probably find myself discussing a lot of problems with her ... without solving any of them
letcher in the making
19th January 2005, 09:47 PM #6
would like to deck the indian guy already and only seen one full show !
wonder how the aussies would do it ?
get reno resuce etc in to do it and lets see what they can do in a wk with a place like that lol
20th January 2005, 08:14 AM #7
I thought he was an arab.
24th January 2005, 04:28 PM #8
He's an Indian. He wears a turban, so if someone wears a feather head dress or a turban, he's an indian.This one does not where a feather head dress, so he must be an Indian indian. They are the ones what play cricket. The ones with the feathers play that whatsit french sounding game...la crosse or something.
Easy see.
(reference: Spotters Guide to Indian Folk)
24th January 2005, 05:52 PM #9
I play lacrosse and I'm not an Indian with a head-dress with feathers :confused:
no-one said on their death bed I wish I spent more time in the office!
24th January 2005, 08:11 PM #10
we had the second series here last year so if anyone wants to know what goes on, I could be persuade for $10 each to tell all.
Gay Indian, elephant, romance, heartbreak, fights, desperation. politics, its all there you know. In fact I'd go as far as to suggest its nearly as good as Neighbours.
Then again maybe not. Whatever happened to Madge Mangle?
24th January 2005, 08:29 PM #11
Originally Posted by beejay1
Oh and nobody in Australia watches Neighbours.
It's just our revenge for all those crappy UK sitcoms like On the Buses.
24th January 2005, 09:30 PM #12
ouch,Thats put me in my place then hasnt it.
youre not madge mangle's brother by any chance?
24th January 2005, 09:40 PM #13
Originally Posted by beejay1
I have no idea who Madge Mangle is. Sounds like a character from Dickens. :eek:
24th January 2005, 10:13 PM #14
I know that mate. it can sometime take a while to tune into people but i think were both the cuddly cute type.
Madge was in the first episodes sreened over here xxxxxyears ago.
re On the buses, i cant beleive thats still being shown its so old.
I guess like the BBC over here your lot also buy a lot of crap on the cheap rather than invest the license revenue in decent programmes.
At least weve got New Yankee workshop to fall back on I guess.
24th January 2005, 10:53 PM #15