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Thread: Spraying Estapol 7008
17th January 2005, 07:56 PM #1
Spraying Estapol 7008
Is there any reason why Wattyl say you cant spray 7008 2pac, they dont give any reason(typical)
The only reason that I can see is on the MSDS,it says that its a paint containing isoc's, just like 2pac car paint.
So if I use the safety precautions that I use for painting cars I should be right?
My shed has been set up for painting cars in 2pac/enamel before, it doesnt take long to set it up, I have a extraction fan and filtered air inlet(stack of car A/Filters with a small fan blowing thru them). Plastic drop sheets have been formed into a spray booth(need new ones), which covers all sides and top, I tend to wet the floor before "tack clothing" this also helps form a seal along the cement floor.
Also I use a 3M racal airsteam helmet(just incase the sky starts falling down on my head!) that I connect to my air comp for positive pressure and also use disposable plastic spray suits.
Can anyone give reasons for not spraying 7008 other than the safety side of things?
Can I hit this 7008 with my mak buff and some cutting compound, will it kill the surface?
Ps.I cant stand using brushes, spraying rules mmmm K!....................................................................
17th January 2005, 09:46 PM #2WATTYL ESTAPOL 7008 (PART A )
Polyurethane two pack floor coating ase
Part A or Base of a 2 pack urethane coating system Requires
that the two parts be mixed by hand or mixer before use, in
accordance with manufacturers directions. Mix only as much
as is required. Do not return the mixed material to the
original containers Application is by brush or hand roller
or may also be applied by spray atomisation CONTAINS free
organic isocyanate. Mixing and application requires special
precautions and use of personal protective gear [APMF] For
the protection of interior timber surfaces.
Company: Wattyl Australia Pty Limited
4 Steel St
NSW, 2148
Telephone: 132101
Telephone: (+61 2) 9621 6255
Emergency Tel: 1800 039 008 (24 hours)
Emergency Tel: +61 3 9573 3112
Fax: 02 9831 2651
ChemWatch Material Safety Data Sheet
Date of Issue: Mon 30-Oct-2000
Have a look at www.wattyl.com.au
17th January 2005, 10:34 PM #3
I used this recently on a wooden stair case. I used a lambs wool applicator. Worked a treat no brush marks or clean up, just threw out the applicator when finished. Saves all the set up for spraying.
Good luck.
17th January 2005, 11:22 PM #4
Vasco, Im wanting to paint 10-20 items at 1 time and its hard to get in places with a wool pad.
, what part of the Wattyl site is that from, because it said no spraying where I was looking.....................................................................
17th January 2005, 11:46 PM #5
Click on the link. Enter 7008 in the search and there it is.
18th January 2005, 03:16 AM #6
Talk about confusing
Part A says
Application is by brush or hand roller or may also be applied by spray atomisation CONTAINS free organic isocyanate. Mixing and application requires special
precautions and use of personal protective gear [APMF]
Part B says
This product is designed to be applied by brush or applicator. DO NOT APPLY THIS PRODUCT USING SPRAY EQUIPMENT.
Then on the T9.03 sheet...
provide adequate ventilation during use. Spray only in an approved booth. Avoid contact with skin and eyes and avoid
breathing the vapour.
See what I mean !....................................................................
18th January 2005, 06:48 AM #7
In cases like this I make up a small batch and give it a whirl to see what happens.
I have been known to ignore instructions.
18th January 2005, 12:41 PM #8
Yes I could do that but I have 2x4ltr tins(a&b)once opened it must be used within a certain time, could be an expensive waste!
18th January 2005, 12:49 PM #9
Originally Posted by Harry72
18th January 2005, 12:53 PM #10
One thing I know about that stuff is that the only thing that gets it off is the reducer and even that leaves a residue. Be prepared to sacrifice your spray gun...
I used it on a bathroom vanity benchtop and it goes on easy with a pad. It's self levelling so as long as you are quick, I reckon it would be hard to beat with a sprayed finish."I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."
18th January 2005, 04:43 PM #11
Just be for the implementation of self government in the Northern Territory (I worked for the Conservation Commission Of the NT) I had the pleasure of making a conference table out of Raintree which we salvaged and milled the timber from a tree in the Darwin Botanical gardens, which didn't survive the ravages of Cyclone Tracy.
When Uncle Mal (the PM) came to the NT to grant self government, he seen the table and wanted one for Tammy's (his wife) Australiana Collection in Canberra.
With both tables I used the two pack Estapol 7008 and applied it by spraying. I wanted them to have a glass surface like finish and this was achieved.
What you have to do after mixing both parts is to let it stand so all air bubbles will rise and dissipate otherwise you will have pin hole air bubbles in the surface. I had this happen several times, which meant good deep cutbacks, spot filling and cutback. With such a high gloss any imperfection and dust specks stood out like dogs things. After 15 coats I achieve the glass surface finish.
When last I heard the table for Canberra was going into the new parliament house as a conference table for the Minister of Defence.
18th January 2005, 11:10 PM #12
Originally Posted by silentC
Just about all paint that is sprayed will self level, I sprayed some carbothane tonight thats self leveling!....................................................................
19th January 2005, 07:57 AM #13
Originally Posted by silentC
19th January 2005, 08:12 AM #14
I'll be interested to hear how you got on because I'm going to have some benchtops to do later in the year.
So shellite is the tip? I bought a tin of the reducer but I ended up chucking everything I'd used to mix the stuff etc and I had it on my hands for about a weeks afterwards."I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."
19th January 2005, 03:57 PM #15
Yeah shellite is the stuff its about the strongest solvent you can get, its 100%W/W hydro-carbon. Dont sniff it...
Shane what guns did you use, Im thinking of upgrading my sampson90(was CIG arnold, before buyout of CIG's spray gear)
What do you think of Velinti gear any good?(its cheap!)....................................................................