Results 16 to 26 of 26
19th April 2010, 12:07 PM #16
Unfortunately this is the new reality - these mongrels would walk upright under a snake's belly.
No doubt he/she/they probably find it smart/amusing that they got away with it but as usual because of the act of a few the innocent will have to pay the price.
I can understand the feelings of betrayal of trust but I hope that this will not lead to an over reaction in the way that the demonstrators perform or how these shows are presented. I understand that there will, no doubt, need to be some changes - pity about that.
To Grahame from PWS, kudos to you and the company you represent, even though you also appear to have "lost" some gear you are ensuring that Stu is not out of pocket - what a great gesture, I hope that you and your company will be represented at the Brisbane Wood show so that I can support you.
19th April 2010, 12:21 PM #17
This is really disappointing. I spent quite a bit of time there on Friday talking to Stu, and enjoyed being able to get close in (and was even helping him pass tools from his tool box). It's a pitty that this has happened, and he will probably change the way he demonstrates, I have always appreciated the personal touch he gives from the Triton demos, to the new Torque demos.
19th April 2010, 01:33 PM #18
There are times when Melbourne doesn't seem such a bad place - these Open Days are one of those times; I always regret not being able to get there. Then something like this happens. Kudos to Stu for not totally losing it, and to Grahame at PWS for picking up the tab.
- MichaelLast edited by ToothFairy; 20th April 2010 at 12:24 PM. Reason: fixed mis-spelling of Grahame's name - I should know better!
19th April 2010, 09:16 PM #19
21st April 2010, 06:45 PM #20
Can''t add anything other than what has already been said by others. Makes one sick to think of someone taking from another something that someone has worked hard to pay for and to have it stolen by some low life is beyond my reckoning.
Reality is no background music.
Cheers John
21st April 2010, 09:03 PM #21
Yep, I was also sad to read about the theft. It's sad to think of people targeting exhibitors who go out of their way to give the rest of us better access to their wares.
My take on things like this is that any sad git who's in a position to think theft is an acceptable course of action is in a pretty pathetic place to start with and certainly heading down life's S-bend.
I expect karma will be taking care of the rest.
21st April 2010, 09:50 PM #22
Yes i totally agree this is a low act but unfortunately this is what our society has become.
And to make it worse we accept it.
There is the fact that someone out there (who has probably read this thread) who knows the person who stole this stuff yet while they dont agree with it or like it they wouldn't send a pm or email to Stu or the cops to get them caught.
Even if it was a friend/mate who did it i would tell him to return it or i would send the pm. so come on don't just write meaningless posts and make the noise actually do something and make a difference - in this and all other situations unless we actually do something it will only get more acceptable.
Remember we still vote for politicians that make "non core" promises - they are the ones they never had to keep - get real
"Tell him he's dreamin.""How's the serenity" (from "The Castle")
22nd April 2010, 03:12 PM #23
Items replaced..
Hi all,
Just to let you all know that through the generosity of Wanita at Woodworking Warehouse & Aaron at Torque, the replacement of Stuart gear is underway.
On behalf of Stuart and myself, thanks for your generosity.
22nd April 2010, 05:59 PM #24
Well done Wanita & Aaron!!
Russell (aka Mulgabill)
"It is as it is"
23rd April 2010, 09:25 PM #25
25th April 2010, 12:35 PM #26
Not a very nice thing to have something go missing. I dread the day that I loose something to someone. Only problem is that not much use to anyone other then another woodie.
And well done Wanita at Woodworking Warehouse & Aaron at Torque.