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Thread: Revenge of the killer fruit can
2nd April 2010, 08:49 AM #1
Revenge of the killer fruit can
well now, this is a first for me!
walking through the garage, i stumbled over a plastic rubbish bag. all my weight was on my left foot as it lightly caressed the plastic bag. i could feel an annoying pain like a small splinter. i only noticed the fruit can with the lid still attached when i took my foot off the floor and saw the pool of blood quickly forming. those lids sure are sharp!
and it was a bleeder. 2 t-shirts and 2 bath towels later we arrive at the hospital but cannot find a parking space!
driving around in circles for 5 minutes until we find a spot.
i then hop to the nearest hospital entry doorway to be then told go away. this is the entry for paramedics, "you have to walk 100 metres to the general public entry doorway."
you gotta love the public health system!
i ended up going to a private medical centre, and paid $105 for the stitches and a bit more convenience. hopefully i can get a refund from medicare....
no dancing with the stars this week!
2nd April 2010, 09:26 AM #2
2nd April 2010, 12:53 PM #3
So you had enough waiting time to take a pic?
Hope its doesn't stop the dancing too long.
Tea Lady
(White with none)
Follow my little workshop/gallery on facebook. things of clay and wood.
2nd April 2010, 01:06 PM #4
banana benders.
put some friccin shoes on!I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
Albert Einstein
2nd April 2010, 07:21 PM #5
hope they gave it good wash out
My blog: ~ for the love of wood ~ - http://theloveofwood.blogspot.com/
2nd April 2010, 08:51 PM #6
Ouch Justin........
Make sure you let Festool know .......they will bring out a super expensive Footsore.........And my head I'd be a scratchin'
While my thoughts were busy hatchin'
If I only had a brain.
2nd April 2010, 10:13 PM #7
i will put this one down to experience, of lack thereof, i will never walk in the garage/workshop again without footwear.
just imagine if i had taken soundmans advice wearing thongs. i could have been doing the salsa all weekend!
regards, justin.
4th April 2010, 10:54 PM #8
$105 well spent I think.
Get well soon.
15th April 2010, 10:22 PM #9
Sharp edged cans have alot to answer for.....almost as much as broken glass.
Over the years many people have poked fun at me wearing boots all the time....I don't step out of my house without something on my feet.
Muck around in the bush or go camping or something......someone in the party will get their feet cut.....that person is never me....I'm the bloke with the first aid kit that patches em up.
One nasty thing to consider...very close to that cut.. in the arch of the foot there is a nice big artery..and there are heaps of tendons to cut.
This thread has baught to mind several realy good foot injuries I have witnessed.
A young girl with he foot slashed open on a ham tin, left lying arround in the back yard.
A mate in cubs with his foot cut open on broken glass in a swimming hole.
Another mate in primary school with a 6 inch splinter hanging out of his foot from the school verandah.
A girl on a excersion with he foot cut wide open on a sharp rock
A full grown young lady a few years ago who twisted a big lump of skin out off the ball of her foot on a cement basket ball court.
I still bear a scar on my right big toe where I sliped out of my thongs a go cut open on a piece of shar something we never found, walking home from a metes place when I was a kid.
Foot injuries are all to common and can be very serious.
I'm going to put my slippers on now.
cheersAny thing with sharp teeth eats meat.
Most powertools have sharp teeth.
People are made of meat.
Abrasives can be just as dangerous as a blade.....and 10 times more painfull.
18th April 2010, 10:23 AM #10
taking photos of ones war wounds is something to be proud of!
its a bloke thing!
some chaps would want to put bandages and plasters to hide the blood, i prefer to take as many photos as possible!
the foot in question has now healed and i am able to work again. i cant think of a worse place to get injured, well i can, but thats another story...
from this day forth, thou shalt not stumble through thy shed in bare feet.
footwear is the order of the day.
regards, justin.
18th April 2010, 09:02 PM #11
We post pictures of our injuries so that others may learn from our mistakes.
and to scare the $h#T out of the complacent.
cheersAny thing with sharp teeth eats meat.
Most powertools have sharp teeth.
People are made of meat.
Abrasives can be just as dangerous as a blade.....and 10 times more painfull.
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