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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Shepparton *ugh*

    Default Found a new thing to hurt myself with...water!!

    My usual MO is to try and cut off a finger, weld my eyes closed, set myself on fire or electrocute myself. But today I found a new way to cause pain to myself...a high pressure water gun. (That's the culprit in the background)

    I was holding onto an inner piece of the table saw I'm restoring while jetting off the build up of MDF dust and grease and the gun shot off to the side and clipped my hand for a mere millisecond. It shot through a couple of layers of skin and left a nifty looking flap on one edge.

    I'm bloody proud of myself on this one It's not much to look at, but it stings like all get out

    So yeh...these things are dangerous and should not be pointed at people...or at least not ones you like

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    vic clayton


    have you thought about going for promotion and getting out of the redshirt and into blue or gold they dont seem to get hurt much in comparison to the redshirt of death
    Some people are like slinkies - not really good for anything, but they
    bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    I've got a low(ish) pressure high pressure washer, and I've found that it actually gives quite nice foot massages/cleanings.

    Maybe it is the colour of your tee shirt??????

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Master Splinter View Post
    I've got a low(ish) pressure high pressure washer, and I've found that it actually gives quite nice foot massages/cleanings. Must try that. Just can't convince HWMBO to give me foot massages any more.

    Maybe it is the colour of your tee shirt??????
    Yeah! Red makes you to easy a target. Or maybe it caches your eye just when you should be looking at something important. Look after yourself.
    ea Lady

    (White with none)
    Follow my little workshop/gallery on facebook. things of clay and wood.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Just a serious note - remember that the water and mix (detergent if used) can be injected into the skin and can cause significant problems.

    High pressure hydraulic systems on aircraft have been known to cause serious injuries resulting in amputations caused by the oil being injected into the body.

    Watch for swelling reddening of the area around the injury. Any concern go to your doctor/hospital.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2009


    They can actually kill you. A chap at my father's workplace accidentally hit his groin with the jet and it punctured his femoral artery. The injury was not found until too late as he was wearing waterproof kit ....

    Definitely not something to muck about with.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    They tell us not to use an air hose from a compressor directed onto the skin because the air can penetrate the skin and go into the blood stream end up in the brain and cause nasty things to happen, I wonder can water injected do something similliar, I spose it might just dilute the blood What else might high pressure water do to the body


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by pjt View Post
    They tell us not to use an air hose from a compressor directed onto the skin because the air can penetrate the skin and go into the blood stream end up in the brain and cause nasty things to happen, I wonder can water injected do something similliar, I spose it might just dilute the blood What else might high pressure water do to the body

    You need at least one hundred PSI directed straight onto skin to puncture soft adult skin and much more on thickened skin like hands. There is an increased danger is if someone already has a skin puncture. The risk from bubbles leading to the brain is over stated. A more significant problem is the loss of a finger, hand or limb due to injection of foreign materials.

    See here.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Interesting, I read all that post, I reckon tho that I'd have a hard time convincing the OHS numnuts that it's all right to use compressed air in any arrangement (<100psi) to blow down with, at the smelter they wont allow use of compressed air to blow dust off yourself, they will let u use a little handheld blower but u still have to be geared up with PPE b4 u can even do that
    The air bubble thing...Is it that the air bubble thing gets hyped up more so than the loss of a finger from something being injected?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by pjt View Post
    Interesting, I read all that post, I reckon tho that I'd have a hard time convincing the OHS numnuts that it's all right to use compressed air in any arrangement (<100psi) to blow down with, at the smelter they wont allow use of compressed air to blow dust off yourself, they will let u use a little handheld blower but u still have to be geared up with PPE b4 u can even do that
    Yea OHS many numnuts generally follow rules and often there is little common sense involved. Maybe it's because the rules are often designed to protect the numnuts users without any common sense.

    It is very difficult to generate 100 psi direct onto the surface of skin. Even a compressor line at 120 psi placed direct on the skin does not generate 120 psi at the skins surface because the line recoils immediately and skin naturally flexes away. Just physically holding against 120 psi is not that easy. It is also not sufficient for the air to penetrate skin, the air has to enter a major blood vessel which is why air embolism murderers direct inject air into their victim a major blood vessels. Perhaps bizarrely, many more people die from air embolism problems that are caused by medical procedures that industrial situations.

    The emedcine website does not even list the possibility of a patient a compressor as being of high priority in treating potential VAE cases.
    If venous air embolism is suspected, inquiry about the following key historical elements should be obtained:
    • Recent surgical procedures especially neurosurgical, otolaryngological, cardiovascular, or orthopedic
    • Scuba diving trips and a history of decompression injuries or decompression sickness
    • Blunt or penetrating trauma to the head, face, neck, thorax, and/or abdomen
    • Invasive therapeutic and/or diagnostic procedures such as central venous catheterization; lumbar puncture; high-pressure infusion of medications, blood products, and/or IV contrast agents
    • Patients with HD access catheters or other indwelling central venous catheters
    • Patients on positive pressure ventilation
    • Peripartum/postpartum orogenital sex (air may enter veins of the myometrium)7,4
    • Ingestion of hydrogen peroxide (rare)
    I'm not saying one should wave compressors without any care - there can be all kinds of situations that lead to problems. eg Someone might think a compressor line is only 120 psi but it might a hell of a lot more. There are also lots of other reason not to use a compressor to blow yourself down like pushing something into eyes or even blowing ear drums out.

    The air bubble thing...Is it that the air bubble thing gets hyped up more so than the loss of a finger from something being injected?
    Actually I need to correct myself here. It's not the brain where the problem occurs - it's the same effect as getting the bends so its in the lungs where air bubbles cannot pass thru the fine blood vessels that are affected.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Munruben, Qld


    High pressure water cleaners/blasters are very dangerous. I used a high pressure water blaster to clean roofs that I was renovating ready to be painted and accidentally caught my hand with a glancing jet of water and nearly tore my hand off, luckily none of the water penetrated into my system and no permanent damage done other than the scar. I'm talking pressure here of around 3000psi
    A friend of mine in the same game as myself had a nasty experience when using a high pressure airless spray painting gun when the material hose broke near the handle of the gun and paint penetrated his skin and went up his arm. He was lucky not to lose his arm thanks to some highly skilled surgeon who happened to be at the hospital at the time he was rushed into emergency. He still lost the use of his hand but he was lucky, he could have been killed.
    Please be careful with all high pressure equipment like these machines and compressors. Believe me those warnings you read on equipment or in the manual are not just there for fun. They are extremely dangerous.
    Reality is no background music.
    Cheers John

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Munruben, Qld


    Just for the record, commercial water blasters operate at around 1500 to over 3000 lbs psi and commercial Airless paint machines at the same or even more pressure depending on the material being used and the length of the delivery hose. Pressures of course drop off at the head of the delivery hose but are still in excess of 2500lbs psi so you can imagine the damage these things can do to a human skin.
    The water blaster used to clean tiled roofs can shatter a concrete tile with little effort if held too close to the tile surface..
    Reality is no background music.
    Cheers John

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2002


    Unfortunately many people do not look past the air embolism argument with compressed air.
    There are may ways compressed air can injure you....eyes especially can be redily damaged by relativly low air preasures, ears / hearing is the next easily damaged and compressed air into almost any bodily opening can cause considerable damage or pain.

    Compressed air combined with any sort of pipe or tube and a projectile can cause serious damage...lots of people try to clear our passages and tubes with compressed air....if something hard get dislodged from within... you have a bullet

    I saw a mates hand immediately after it was hit by a lump of cement blown out of a conduit...made a mess of 2 fingers.

    So many people are slap happy with compressed air.
    I own several blowers for use with compressed air...... but I will not blow myself with compressed air.

    As for water blasters......consider what chemical or contaminants can be in or carried by the water.......septicimia are a real possibility......even just the chlorine in the water could cause some grief.

    Any thing with sharp teeth eats meat.
    Most powertools have sharp teeth.
    People are made of meat.
    Abrasives can be just as dangerous as a blade.....and 10 times more painfull.

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