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Thread: Removing Stain from bed
1st April 2010, 09:11 PM #1
Removing Stain from bed
Hi all,
Recently we have built a new bed and am cutting my old double bed down to single for my youngest boy who is about to get out of his cot.
The bed was built by me and my father some 5-6 years ago and he is away on vacation atm so i cant really ring him up and have a chat. How would i go about removing the stain on the bed to finish the whole project off in a darker finish to match his room?
The bed is made from Pine. I know its just dress type pine, finger joined and fairly soft.
When we built it we used 2 coats of stain from memory with sanding in between and then a final coat of some type of laquer? Very shiny and smooth.
Will this sand off or should I be looking to chuck it through a thicknesser for a quick touch up?
Thanks for any help
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