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Thread: Will Telstra Come to The Party?
19th February 2010, 08:37 PM #16
Dear Contributors,
Well it's not often that someone is able to say this but i think everybody was correct in what they said.
No, Telstra did not offer me a phone. I was given 2 options over the phone: Pay off my contract in one hit and receive a new phone or pay off monthly until the contract runs out. When I visited the telstra shop they asked why I just didn't buy a new phone, which I did but at Dick Smith because the Telstra shop didn't have any.
The good side is that on Tuesday the Principal of the school offered to pay for the phone if I was prepared to 'give' it to the school when my contract ran out. He also put a nice comment in the school newsletter.
No the kid's parents didn't do anything (perhaps they didn't hear about it). I know what I would be doing if someone pulled one of my kids out of the water.
As far as trying to rescue the phone, i tried everything except 'nihilism's' metho treatment. The sim card survived.
The hearing aids survived despite one laying on the bottom of the pool for a few minutes. I did the drying out thing with those crystals in a jar.
Problem with the whole setup was that the school trusted the 2 lifeguards supplied by the pool. The rescuing is usually the responsibility of 2 teachers. The 2 guards were 25metres away and probably thinking about their girlfriends. Ultimately the school (Principal) is responsible and it is a real pity that you can't trust anybody these days. One of the lifeguards disappeared later and when we found him he was testing the quality of the water. Didn't see the need to be there at the pool!
Thanks everyone for the comments and the encouragement.
27th February 2010, 12:25 AM #17
Of course they won't replace it: Unless you had insurance on it (Which Telstra doesn't offer)
If you call them, though, explain what happened, and if you get a nice operator they'll for sure be able to offer you an early upgrade. Especially because you are so far through your contract.
Of course, you might have to start a new contract, but the old one willbe cancelled. t's fine if you were going to stay with them.
I reckon that's the only chance you've got though. Telstra aren't very cool to deal with in my opinion, that's why I left them
28th February 2010, 10:11 PM #18
28th February 2010, 10:40 PM #19
What a great and noble thing you did!!!!!
Did you have a choice? NO. You just reacted to a situation
Did you have time to "disrobe"? NO you just reacted to the situation
Should you be compensated? Well?
Of coarse you should!!
OK, you don't want to have a ticker tape parade down George Street, all you need is your "out of pocket expenses" covered.
I agree with that.
Someone should be able to organise something for you AND it should not be you.
What has happened to common decensy? Surely someone involved with the school could organise something for you?
Will you do the same thing again if presented with the same situation or will you think "Wait a minute, last time I did this..." NO you would do it again in a flash!
This story makes me mad! I'm sorry
Carry you are atop bloke and I hope it doesn't poison you from future help of your fellow manJust do it!
Kind regards Rod
1st March 2010, 08:29 PM #20
Thanks for the kind words. As I said the principal agreed to pay for the phone- pity this one is bloody hard to read with my old eyes. I had one called 'the granny phone' before. Now i know why.
I wasn't going to go on with the story but after jumping in fully dressed with size 11 shoes i found I wasn't so agile in the water. The best i could do was (standing on the bottom of the pool over my head) hold the kid up so he could breathe. By then a parent had dived in and brought him to land. Would you believe that parent (also dressed) had a bronze medallion in surf AND still water rescue- but had never used the skills.
Of course I'd do the same again. Funny though. Every other rescue i've done, it has been bloody obvious what was going to happen. Once i had time to put on a set of flippers on the shore knowing a guy was going to get caught in a rip on a deserted beach. I will always remember the guy saying, 'mate- you're a strong swimmer!' Didn't ever see the fins. But the kid in the pool gave no warning.
There were pool lifeguards on duty and I was the starter. I sort of assumed that everyone was doing his job..............wrong.
1st March 2010, 08:52 PM #21
Gold Star from me Graham!
Teachers are often unsung heroes in so many other ways. What you do day in and day out at school gets no recognition, and yet is vital in helping form the minds and characters of those kids that you look after.
That you have done this for so long is a great credit to you, and Mittagong owes you a big thank you.
For what you did at the swimming carnival as well as the lifetime of teaching, no thanks can repay.
But we thank you anyway, and one little kid is mighty glad that Mr Perry was in loco parentis that day.
Good on you
SG.... some old things are lovely
Warm still with the life of forgotten men who made them ........................D.H. Lawrence
4th March 2010, 07:14 PM #22
I'd be no good in the floods up your way Scribbly Gum.
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