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Thread: Plastic Pipe.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Milford on Sea, UK.

    Default Plastic Pipe.

    G'day all,
    I am thinking of using Plastic drainage pipe (160mm)for my dust extraction, I hear stories about static electricity being a problem. Is this only a problem if you cut acrylics and plastics or is it with wood dust. If it is a problem with wood dust how can I get round it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Lambton, Newcastle, NSW, Australia


    Hi Paddywack, the argument is whether there is enough charge in the static electricity to ignite the wood dust in the extraction system causing an explosion. So the end result is yes it produces a charge and it will zap you and make you jump if you get close to the pipe. Plastic/ poly pipes etc generate static electricity when the air travels over the surface, for my system whether it will or will not explode I haved earthed it back to the metal body of the extrator/motor. This is just a piece of bare copper wire taped or cable tied to the tube/pipe along the entire length that alows the static electricity to dischare to earth rather than build up and zap you. This also expunges any risk of ignigting the wooddust, which may or may not happen depending on your point of view. (There do not seem to be any reorted cases) Most government and commercial systems (in Australia) are earthed to take this risk away. Hope this helps

    May the "Zap" not be with you.
    Instagram: mark_aylward

    A good edge takes a little sweat!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    South Australia


    I agree with Claw Hama, when it all boils down it is better to be safe than sorry.
    Claw Hama just out of interest do you know of many gov. insalation using PVC, I was under the impression that it was not approved for any gov. use for the above reasons

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Milford on Sea, UK.


    Hi Claw Hama,
    How have you earthed it, is the wire inside the pipe or outside?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003


    There have been plenty of fires in Dust systems, earthed or not.

    As said above, the grounding wire does protect you from being zapped - and maybe banging your head into something hard at the same time

    According to those supporting the 'no fire from static' school, they do point out the much more likely scenario of hitting a tiny bit of metal in the wood you are working on and getting a red hot shaving in a ball of dust - I seem to find heaps of staples, or parts of them in the ends of boards.

    So, always run your system to remove any dust in the pipes, then take the bin of dust & chips outside, away from your buildings.

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