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17th January 2010, 07:08 PM #1
Newcastle Wood Working Expo - 2010
Another thread reminded me that the Newcastle Wood Working Expo is just around the corner - 19-21 February 2010 (Friday to Monday).
The handy thing about this is that it is held right next door to a pretty large craft show, so if your other half is into all things crafty, then its a good day out for both of you!
I found it pretty good last time, easy to get around, with a fair amount of exhibitors. Definatley extremely well run by the Hunter Woodturners.
There's some info about the expo here and here.
A list of exhibitors (from the second link) are:
043 Turning
Australian Woodworker Magazine
Bench Pro 2000
Boutique Timbers
DnJ Innovations - Compressx Clamps
Drive Marine Services
Enjoy Making Wooden Toys
Felder NSW Ltd
Good Ol' Toys
Grandfather Vic's Clocks
Hardware for Creative Finishes
John Hodgson Timbers
John Reed Books
Jonathon Knowles Clocks
Lucas Mill
Major Woodworking Equipment
New England Woodturning Supplies
S/E Queensland Woodworking Supplies
Tinkering Tools
Tool King
Trend Timbers
Ultimate Health & Wellbeing
Veezey Framing
Z Vice
7th February 2010, 07:42 PM #2
Just bumping this up as a reminder (no affiliation with the show!).
7th February 2010, 08:51 PM #3
Might see you there, I,m sure there will a few little bargans and I'll grabbing a few slabs of Mal Wards timber as well. Much easier to pick it up from the entertainment centre than Telegraph Point/Rolands Plain. Might rock up first thing Friday and then again on Sunday afternoon.
7th February 2010, 11:14 PM #4
We will be there Saturday all being well
7th February 2010, 11:52 PM #5
I was going to go Friday, then that turned into Saturday, now its turned into Sunday! Hopefully there will be some camphor slabs which I have been after for a while.
8th February 2010, 07:47 AM #6
camphor slabs
Suggest you order them, rather than 'see' if there are any left......
That way, they will be there for you...
16th February 2010, 07:29 PM #7
i have been given day release to attend on friday
18th February 2010, 09:04 PM #8
I had a sneek preview of Mals timber today, I had to pick up some I had ordered, he has some realy nice Aust Cedar slabs and boards, Mackay Cedar, etc etc, quite a bit of Camphor but didn't look to have as much as usual so if you want some I'd get in early.
19th February 2010, 01:42 PM #9
I second what claw said, mal has some nice wood,i picked up some walnut,rosewood and 2 planks of nice red wood forgot name sorry(myrtle i think).luckily the wife limited my spending i only spent $90 but i could of spent heaps more.
i didnt bother going in the craft section you couldnt move with the women it was like the 1/2 yearly sales at david jones
19th February 2010, 08:21 PM #10
Anyone else go to Newcastle today ??
How was it??
19th February 2010, 08:57 PM #11
Was back again today, I was there with a pocket full of money but where are the suppliers? There were a few there making an effort, it is still worthwhile if you live around Newcastle because we don't have a decent woodwork shop. I only spent about $200 not including what I already had ordered with Mal. Have to go back tomorrow again to show some clients some of Mals timber so will have another snoop then.
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