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Thread: G Day from Canada
31st December 2009, 08:06 AM #1
G Day from Canada
G' Day Lads,
I am an expate Aussie now living in Alberta, Canada.
I brought my Triton workcentre with me as I could not bear to sell it, it has seen me through a few reno's. I have finally got serious and set it up to the point where I get super accurate cuts in all modes, it used to be close but now it is superb. I found this site when I was looking for info on the triton setup, it looks like a great place to spend some time.
I have started building a set of custom storage units for my wifes Scrapbooking Room (Maple) and I am also buiding a Plinth for my Chital Deer Mount (Walnut).
Cheers Noel
31st December 2009, 09:23 AM #2
Welcome to the forum
May you get a taste of home everytime you log onregards
veni, vidi, tornavi
Without wood it's just ...
31st December 2009, 03:41 PM #3
Welcome to the forum.
I am also a Triton user.
1st January 2010, 02:07 PM #4
Welcome from one newbie to another,
What part of Alberta are you in?
1st January 2010, 09:19 PM #5
Welcome to the forum Noel, nice to have you aboard.
Reality is no background music.
Cheers John
2nd January 2010, 11:20 PM #6
G'day Noel and welcome to the fun.
3rd January 2010, 11:00 AM #7
G' Day Lads,
Thanks for the welcome.
Gofer, I am in Leduc just south of Edmonton.
Christos, The Triton gear is pretty good gear gear eh....
Cheers Noel
7th February 2010, 06:46 AM #8
Since you are now in Canada, have you found a source for Triton here? I live in Vancouver and came across the Workcentre and can't find anywhere to buy one. I don't think there are any other similar products from other companies.
7th February 2010, 07:57 AM #9
Hi Noel, welcome to the forum.
"The training of the eyes to know when an edge is perfectly straight or a surface is flat, free from winding, and straight, is a very important part of a lad's training."
7th February 2010, 10:33 AM #10
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