Out of ignorance and ineptitude I've laid sheets on my shed walls that've fallen in the wrong place at the ends.

So that at the corners the sheets from one wall stick out too far and the sheets from the joining wall don't stick out far enough.

And that's not to mention the degree or two of out of plumb, which we'll ignore for the purposes of this question.

So the flashing won't fit.

How to fix it?

I guess get the tinsnips and cut the excess off from bottom to top to make that sheet line up with the end of the girts.

And the short sheet just remains short.

And the problem then is that the flashing was made to fasten to the crests of the wall sheets which have a profile like ...--......--......

And now the crest will be cut off and nothing to fasten the flashing to.

Can't fasten it to the valley because it reaches the valley by having a bend in it, so it kinda comes out of the sky and dives down and touches the valley all along an edge.

If I tried to fasten that I'd have to got through the bent bit at an angle to reach the valley behind, use a long screw and hope for a tight fit.

The short sheet also doesn't have a crest to fasten to where I want one.

So it looks to me like I've just got to do the best I can with long screws and whatever but I thought I'd ask the forum in case there's a tradesman's method I don't know about.

(Please don't say take 'em off and start again)

You've got to get everything exactly right with this tin shed building, don't you? They don't tell you that.


[url=http://www.renovateforum.com/f83/how-fix-steel-shed-cladding-corners-88970/Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com...[/url]