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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    California USA

    Default Happy Woodworking

    Now that I have retired I have more time to spend in the shop and on the computer.
    I have been looking at this site on and off for several years. I have been to Australia many times and I admit I realy don't want to come home once I am there. I have made many friends and enjoy life while I am there. I get lost in my shop. The family always knows where to find me. I am limited to my activities. I have pinched nerves in the back and neck and my hands go numb much of the time. I can work it only hurts when I sit down and do nothing. There goes retirement. Even my doctor can't figure that one out.

    I just wanted to say G'day to all and that I enjoy looking and your projects, shops and the different ways you do things. Some of your sayings crack me up but than again the funniest person I know is my Aussie wife. She has a great sense of humor. She keeps me going when I am down.

    I like the many different woods that you have there. We get a lot of lumber from around the world but very little from Australia. The pieces I see made in Australia have a very different look to them because of your English influance and the colouring of the wood. I have not brought any wood back with me but on my next trip I plan on bring some pieces for turning.

    A belated Happy New Year. I look forward to seeing your new creations.

    The word Vegetarian is an Indian word for bad hunter.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Munruben, Qld


    Welcome Chris, great to have you aboard
    Reality is no background music.
    Cheers John

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    North Of The Boarder


    Chris there is a simple choice here don't go back next time many call Australia home

    Ouch hats a bugger just had 4 days of that neck and shoulders mine is mostly arthritic (so the quacks tell me) comes and goes I know when its coming on swelling starts on te joint just at the base of the neck like a mini Huntchback look LOL size of a tennis ball at its worst.

    Aussie woods in the USA depends on what your after but here's a start of Chesapeake, VA


    Oh welcome

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    California USA


    Quote Originally Posted by wheelinround View Post
    Chris there is a simple choice here don't go back next time many call Australia home

    Ouch hats a bugger just had 4 days of that neck and shoulders mine is mostly arthritic (so the quacks tell me) comes and goes I know when its coming on swelling starts on te joint just at the base of the neck like a mini Huntchback look LOL size of a tennis ball at its worst.

    Aussie woods in the USA depends on what your after but here's a start of Chesapeake, VA

    Great site. I love your Burls. Australian woodworkers turn some of the most beautiful pieces form your wood that the world has ever seen. I have a very nice lathe but no bowl turning tools. I turn spindles and finials for clocks and furniture. I have turned a few hundred round dresser knobs that are recessed and look like they have buttons for the pulls. You see them on English furniture. Turning is fun but I have never tryed turning a piece for a work of art by itself. I have had an extensive machine shop background and am still in awe of what turners can creat.

    Thanks for the welcome. If I sit wrong my right index finger goes numb. It hurts to lean back in a chiar but I can dig a ditch just fine. Sorry about your pain.

    The wife and I have 7 children here and have a 2 year old great garnd daughter. We spend at least a month in Aussie land every year. We just can't leave the family behind. I am blessed to spend time in Australia. I always come home rested and feel like there is a world where people are real and down to earth. Every country has that but Australia is a very dear and special place. I had an uncle who was killed in WWII defending Australia. I know he would be proud.

    I will spend more time looking at the wood site. Where I live they have taken out tens of thousnad of orange trees. I get some nice orange burl. I need to get some bowl tools and out rigger and try it. I do build Busker organs. The plans are form England. You can have the music in rools, folded sheets and electronic. They are simple and great to make. I do nice inlayed boxes for the organs. I think I could make a living makeing them. I am working on a large street organ that is on a pull cart at the moment. Nothing like a little music in your hobby.

    This is the largest woodworking site I have ever seen. It covers the whole range of woodworking. Great place to hang out.
    The word Vegetarian is an Indian word for bad hunter.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    North Of The Boarder


    Chris wow you have been a busy boy making kids anyway

    So what time of year do you head to Australia and where maybe you could get to one of our wood shows meet up with a few of us from downunder. If your into pen turning check out the international swap they are doing in that section on here.

    We love photo's on here and your work sounds like a good view so how about some we also have a music section.

    I have 3 children 3 grandchildren wife of 34 years check out the blog site below for more of me.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    HI chris, welcome.

    "The training of the eyes to know when an edge is perfectly straight or a surface is flat, free from winding, and straight, is a very important part of a lad's training."

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Albury Well Just Outside


    Welcome to the forum.

    You have some interesting side hobby.

    Not making children, thats not a hobby, thats full time 24 / 7. I am talking about the street organ.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dundowran Beach

    Thumbs up

    G'day Chris and welcome to the shed!!

    A Street organ. Very interesting. Got a monkey to go with it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    California USA


    No monkey's. Just me

    All the children are adults. 20-47 years of age. The wife is older than I am. 2 families. My x is in a nursing home unable to do anything and hers has passed away. Married for 27 years and happy. My sons call my wife mom. We are in a good place in life. Only one 37 year old at home or living with his brother. He hit hard times with his business and lost everthing. When the econemy turns around I will make sure he gets a good new start on life.

    Go to the Bukster organ site and see some of the organs people make. There are groops all around the world that build them and the plans are under $100 US. They are a great group.

    Nope I am not into pens. I gave the adaptors away to the neighbors son and he never did anything with them. Not my thing but they are beautiful.

    I know eveyone likes pictues. I thought I backed many of them up. Ysterday when I went to down load the pictures on the new computer I found I forgot to close the disk and have lost 99 percent of my digital pictures. OUCH. The wife has all the family pictures and some of mine. She is down and out with the cold and flu at the moment and when she is better I will see what she has. Her computer is off limits. LOL

    As for picturs of the shop. I have a wood and small machine shop. I am moving my wood shop into one of my doctors barns at the moment. He has a huge space and I have a 2 care grage so full I need to roll machines out into the diveway to use them.
    When I get things moved and set up I will take pictures.

    I got the offer of shop space because I am building 12 medical workstations for the ENT department. They will have sinks and will hold $10,000 microscopes. They are for residents to learn how to do surgery on the head. They use real sculls etc. The cheap stations on the market are 5 grand each. I am building them with granite tops, sinks and berring drawer glides for about $1200 each. I am not making anything on them. I have had 12 years of earinfections and several surgries. It is my way of giving back. I do get a great space to work for the rest of my life and we are startng a professional woodworkers club. We help doctors with boarders and other world missions. It is a nice way to turn a hobby into something that will benifit others.

    Thanks for the welcomes

    I am on over loat at the moment. I will post pictures in the weeks to come. We have had a full week of rain and I have macines to move and yard work.
    The word Vegetarian is an Indian word for bad hunter.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    North Of The Boarder


    Quote Originally Posted by artme View Post
    G'day Chris and welcome to the shed!!

    A Street organ. Very interesting. Got a monkey to go with it.
    You applying for the position Arthur

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dundowran Beach


    Quote Originally Posted by wheelinround View Post
    You applying for the position Arthur
    Not possible Wheelin'. As far as most people are concerned I'm a donkey.

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