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Thread: What machine is that
6th January 2010, 03:44 AM #1
What machine is that
Need some help with this. A machine that makes a high pitch whine and can go for hours in constant running. Some bloke two houses down starts this thing up and it goes for hours, hurts my ears, I have to wear ear plugs around the house and in the shed, when he turns it off I have ringing in my ears. It is some kind of wood working machine. Any Ideas what it could be.
Want to find out what I am dealing with before I hit him with the noise abatement act.
6th January 2010, 06:44 AM #2
Could be an overhead router.
6th January 2010, 07:53 AM #3
Could be his wife. Oh, you said machine but the whining and goin' on for hours sounds right.
6th January 2010, 08:07 AM #4
DD, this thing could be a floor sander some of which can be heard a block away.
Regards Mike
6th January 2010, 08:37 AM #5
Or a spindle
6th January 2010, 10:46 AM #6acmegridley Guest
If it is annoying you that much get on to your local council,you will soon find out what machine it is ,you shouldn't have to put up with that.
6th January 2010, 12:34 PM #7
Nice one, TS.
The kind of machine is irrelevant, really. What you need to know is: does the noise volume and time (time of day, not necessarily duration) contravene EPA and/or local council regulations?
If it were me, I'd pay the guy a visit and calmly let him know how bad it is. With any luck, you'll get an apology and an attempt on his part to make your life a little easier. If you have no success, get onto the appropriate authorities and let them deal with it.
Good luck with it.
7th January 2010, 10:46 AM #8
What is it with people these days that they have to go running to the authorities at the slightest little thing. The first thing you should do is approach the the guy with your concerns, and be reasonable, don't overreact. If he then becomes unreasonable don't get into an argument, just walk away. You then have justification to call the council with your concerns.To grow old is inevitable.... To grow up is optional
Confidence, the feeling you have before you fully understand the situation.
What could possibly go wrong.
7th January 2010, 11:32 AM #9
Hey Dingo Dog... you don't have Tinnitus do you? It quietens down sometimes but it’s always there
7th January 2010, 02:32 PM #10
Nope, I dont have that cause my missus hears the same noise.
Right, I dont go running to the authorities, never have and most probably never will. I simply asked what machine it may have been so I could go off and talk to the bloke using it. It becomes my problem when i get an answer like a neighbour I once had. He had a dog (notice I said "Had a dog") who continuously barked at my bedroom window. I politely asked him to do something about his dog barking all the time, pointed out where my bedroom was and that I was not getting any sleep after night shift. His reply (not my problem). I walked away, said nothing, three days later his dog passed away, kinda odd really.
So I am off to find out exactly where the whine is coming from so i can have a polite chat to the person using it.
7th January 2010, 03:57 PM #11
7th January 2010, 04:20 PM #12
7th January 2010, 04:51 PM #13
7th January 2010, 06:30 PM #14Whatever note you blow youre never more than a semitone away from the correct one....(Miles Davis)
7th January 2010, 11:39 PM #15
I agree with the just go and have a word to the guy first approch. If i was the person making the noise i'd much prefer to be given the oppitunity to do something about the situation before the authorrites come knocking.
I'm going to ignore the comment about the dog and hope it was just your idea of a joke to say such a thing.
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