Hello all

The renovation of our new home is steaming along, and the time has come to replace the front and rear doors. Currently both doors have very old and worn Lockwood Deadbolts, and also regular knob locksets (which dont work) I have decided that getting a pair of keyed Lockwood 101's would be the easiest, since the door jam is already cut for the strike plate. That is the easy part.

My question is this - One lock or two? ie should I replace the existing knob locksets with new ones? or just put a nice door handle on? The reason I am even asking this is that right next to the door is a large 2400X2000 window leading into the lounge room, with another window the same size leading to the master bed on the other side of the main door, and it would be very easy to just break the glass and hop in, negating the need for 2 locks? or am I just being silly (and cheap)

I live in a very secure part of town, so not too worried but was after the advise of those with more experience.

Thanks in advance.

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